🙌🏻<Holding Hands>👯

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The both walked into the dining room..

(Third Reich)-What can i say the kitchen is beautiful!

(Soviet)- Thanks?

(Soviet)-But Since nobody's here no ones gonna cook...

Third Reich Intterupted I will!

(Soviet) No? I will

(Third Reich) NO I WILL!

They Started to Argue About who is gonna cook

Third Reich Runs for the knife.

Soviet runs for it too

They both touch the knife while They touch the knife the touch it together

(Third Reich)- Uhhhh (Turns Red) You what I'm just gonna sit-

(Third Reich) (Mumbling) Because he wanted to cook

(Soviet) Well looks like Somebodys Mad and Flustered~

(Third Reich ). Hmph. (Looks away)

(Soviet)-Dinners Ready! Eat up!

Third Reich and Soviet grabs the fork and also they hold hands (AGAIN)

And this Point Third Reich Doesn't care and just grabs it.

While Third Reich was eating Soviet was just staring at him

(Third Reich)- What are you looking at?

(Soviet)- You~

(Third Reich)- Okay but why aren't you eating?

(Soviet)-Busy staring at you~

Third Reich Turns red a little bit while them two LOVE BIRDS EAT As soon as they are done eating they get ready for bed!

This story is so adorable :.....D So proud of myself 🥲 Its so beautiful i wanna cry anyways
--------------------------------------------------------------------Word Count:218

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