🧇<Early Breakfast> + note at end🧈

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                           <Chapter 8>

While they to were done cuddling,splashing and cleaning themselves they got out of the tub to change there clothes After that they make there way to the kitchen

(and yes soviet had to Carry Reich because of his Ass and legs hurt beacause yk go to chapt 6 if forgot- )

(Third person) Soviet enters the kitchen with Reich on his back.

(Soviet) Darling. Can you get off for a moment?

(Third) Nein.. I wanna stay with you

(Soviet) ( Sighs) Is it because you wanna cook?

(Reich) Yea. Maybe..

(Soviet) But dont your legs and ass hurt?

(Reich) Its fine.. (under breath) because of you dumbass.

(Soviet) (drops immediatlly on chair)

(Reich) Oww.. what was that for...

(Third person) Reich sees soviets face infront of him)

(Soviet) Dumbass. (Kisses)

(Third) MmHh!! MmM M MMM!!

(He's trying to say let me go and let me cook!!!)

(Third person) Soviet stops and lets go of his mouth smirking at reich.

(Third) What was that for!? Is there a problem with calling you a dumbass

(Soviet ) No i just wanted to know that we are both dumbasses!

(Third) Ok maybe we are Dumbasses (laughing) But i really wanna cook..

(Soviet) Can you stand up for a bit?

(Third) Let me try ..

(Third person) Reich tries to stand up and suprisingly he can stand up for a few..

(Third) Yea.. I can

(Soviet) Great! You can cook!

(Third) you sure? I might fall.

(Soviet) Who said your cooking Alone Ill help you!

(Third) Danke.. Sowjet.. But now i need dough.. is there a pantry?

(Soviet) Yea there is a pantry its near the guest room.

(Reich) Can you some with me?

(Soviet) Sure darling.

(Third person) They both walk through the hallway to the guest room then they get to the pantry. To get the bag of flour. And roach tryied to drag it but cant.

(Reich) Great.. i cant drag it (shit my legs hurt)

(Soviet) darling did you forget about me?
(Carries flour bag)

(Third) yea i did for get about you lets go to the kitchen to make pancakes.

(I got lazzzzzzyyyyy!!!)

(Third person ) After they both finished there cooking theh ate peacefully and yes reich wanted to sit on Soviet's lap and Soviet has to feed roach (obvi)


<Note> (My Au.)

The next chapter will reveal Soviet's children you might be asking yea two of them are at soviets house WHERE ARE THA CHILDREN!!!!!! . WELL SOVIET HAS A SISTER!!! ( HER NAME IS SIELLE) she has all the kids beacuz onion is busy at war. Theres more. If a country dies it soul does not leave earth it stays on earth or differant they get a room for there sins.

Sexuality,Gender and Cast.

Third: Nonbinary,Bisexuel


East and west germany: West (Germany):Male,Gay East Germany: Female,Straight.

Sielle(Onion's Sister):Female,Straight



Kakastan : Male,Unknown.


Cant. Do all kids sorry..


(520) Words)

(Forgot to add Japanese Emp. Straight,Female not apart of war actually dropped off usa didn't nuked her. She takes care of west and east Germany) and also dont forget Austrian Emp German Emp, Russian emp, Prussia. and yea.

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