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                         <Chapter 12>

Third person : So sielle Called Soviet and Third to come downstairs if they are ready because she left them very VERY flustered because G.E wanted to talk to soviet while A.E was trying to calm her husband down if he gets uncomfortable with whatever he does to his sohn.and they both came downstairs holding hands.

Soviet : So sis.. What is it i still wanted to sleep with my darling right here.. (Yawns)..

Sielle : You both Lovebirds.. Anyways umm- anyways G.E wants to talk to yall.


G.E: What the fuck did he just say? Anyways.. Sohn get away for a while.you go talk to the children

Third : Okay vater. Sielle where are the kids at?

Sielle : they are in there bedrooms taking a break.. you can go see them.

Third : thanks. (Goes to wherever there place is he will figure it out i guess?)

G.E : Anyways.. so.. if you wanna be with my sohn you need to be EXTRA careful with him and if you make him cry or upset im gonna kick your a-

A.E : Ok honey thats enough now he is already an adult you dont need to control his life anymore..

Third person : G.E whipers something in A.H Ear. (I know darling im just worried about him and I dont really trust him that much.) Aknowledged.

G.E : Im gonna go now.. im so tired i need a break. (Stands up from seat and walks and goes to the guest bedroom)

A.E : Right behind you dear.. anyways Ussr... please be gentle with my sohn take care of him.

Soviet : Yes Ma' m

Third person : and A.E went to go to bed with her husband and Meanwhile with Third.

Third : Ugh.. my fucking legs hurt and i cant seem to find the children's bedroom..
Im so fucking tired.. I wanna sleep.

Third person: then west germany came through the door and rushed to his mutter

Third : eh? Sohn are you okay ( kneels down) did you get hurt?


Third : Ugh.. here we fucking go again about the toy problem. ( okay calm down reich its just children) (sighs) okay lead me to the bedroom.

Third person: So west germany led his mutter to the bedroom to see and litteral Domino mess they have made.

West Germany : Ukraine is over there such a meanie by playing herself >:( .

Third : Great.. I hvae to fix this frickin mess okay.. sohn.. CHILDREN PLEASE CLEAN YOUR BEDROOM PLeASE- and ukraine and sohn come outside for a while and with the toy please.

Russia : Okay mama.. we are sowwy.. (cleans up)

Kakastan , Belarus East Germany: Yea we will clean up mama/ mutter sorry..

Third : Okay so Ukraine what do you have to say for yourself that you stole my sohn's toys.

Ukraine : fine.. im sorry west for playing with your toy and playing with it here you go.

Third : and? What you got to say sohn?

West germany : thank you ukraine we can play together now!

Ukraine : Yay!

Third : thats what i would like to hear.. and you guys stay in your bedroom for a while ill call your father in a moment-

Soviet : Who said I was not here? Creeping up behind him.

Reich : AH! What the fuck how did you get here?

Soviet : You Know there is a whole fucking Elavator and you chose the stairs making you tired. You should rest or sleep ill join in with you. Ill take care of the children and yes the numbers on the elavator represent on which floor has it now go rest darling love ya. (Kisses on cheek)

Third : Okay.. Thanks..

Third person : So third went in the elevator and normal elavator shit and went into soviet's bedroom and get some rest meanwhile with soviet..

Soviet : Okay children you giys have to share with east and west or i could Bring Mattress from the basement.

The children : MATRESSEEsS

Soviet : Phew.. okay (gets Mattresses from basement and adds it to there bedroom adds all the Things a bed should have) Okay guys should I say a story for you.

Children : No.. We are tired dad. We can sleep on our own.

Soviet : Okay. Goodnight Children! Love you guys! Finally a break im so tired.. I can finally can sleep with my darling. (Goes into elevator and goes to second floor and walks to his bedroom) Darling?. You awake?

Third : Mhm.. So.. Sleepy.. Yea... (Rubs eye)
Join in with me.. (Yawn).

Soviet : Ok... Gets on bed and hugs Third I love you so much.. Shall we go to sleep now?

Third : Yea.. Goodnight.. ( goes under blanket)

Soviet : Does the same thing and falls asleep while hugging and Cuddling third. And kisses him on the forehead. And whispered.

Goodnight love... Sweetdreams..


Words : 806

Yay done!

❤Enemies to Lovers❤ (third x soviet)Where stories live. Discover now