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 <Chapter 15>

Third person : Third ran outside to the freezing ice-land outside while soviet tried to stop him from going outside because its was to early, and he doesn't care :D . and soviet had to chase him and they both were outside.

Third : OMFG THERES FUCKING SNOW WOOO!! ( grabs snow and yeets it) YAEYYY!!!

Soviet : Darling- You might get sick- Get your ass inside. ( breathes heavily from running)

Third : How about NO (Picks Up snow to make a snowball and throws at soviet's face)

Soviet : So you want to play that game darling? Bet. (Makes snowball)

Third : Heh.. (Backs up and gets snowballs ready ) SNOWBALL FIGHT??!!!! (Throws Snowball)

Soviet : (Dodges) (Throws Back) This is Pretty fun!

Third : ( didn't see the snowball coming at him) huh- OOP- (falls right into the snow with a snowball on his face)

Soviet : ( Burst Laughing ) H-Honey (wheezes) Are you okay?- No more snowball fights for now. You almost got hurt

Third : Yea yea Whatever Im gonna make snow angels! (Moves his hands and feet at the same time (sync)

Soviet : You know what im gonna join with you now since you are doing it.

Third : Random question Sowjet.

Soviet : Yes dear?

Third : Can I eat snow?

Soviet : Um yea Whatever it is don't eat yellow sno-

Third : (Aggressively Eats White Snow) ( not yellow snow okay?)

Soviet : Yea Im gonna go make a snow man wanna help me my darling?

Third : Yea sure I wanna help

(Im losing motivation)

A few minutes Later..

Soviet and Third : This is the best snowman I ever seen! JINX! Double Jinx Triple JINX! (they both laugh)

Soviet : Yea im so tired now

Third : Well im not!Im gonna stay outside for a while before going in the house

Soviet : Sure dear just don't go far okay?

Third : Okay Sowjet.

Third person : And third went on a walk and came late to the hOUSE (its already noon)he steps on the door step and rings the bell.And immediately Soviet came so see his bbg (of course)

Soviet : Omg darling where have you been!?

Third : Chill dear I just went on a walk.

Soviet : A Walk!? We went Outside before six and you went with my Hoodie and It was Snowing! Do you know how dangerous is outside for you!? It might even hail!

Third : Darling Im fine.. Ill just take a shower and im gonna go shower don't worry that much about me.

Soviet : Ok also heads up im going to go to work early tomorrow so I won't be with you tomorrow okay dear?

Third : Ja Okay Sowjet Im gonna shower now.

Soviet : Okay Thanks dear!

Third person : Third went to go shower and soviet was just waiting sitting on the couch just waiting. And while third was done showering he was ciughing and sneezing after he went outside and he went to the living room to see soviet .

(Y'all idk where the other ppl went /in tha house but they obviously went somewhere/outside to get Christmas decorations. except for the kids tha children are playing (ofc).)

Third : (walks to living room) Hey.. Im not really hungry today Im really tired.. (Yawn)

Soviet : Huh? You dont sleep at 7 dear.

Third : Yea Im just tired from all this walking and spending a bit of time with you in the snow. Can I sleep with you?

Soviet : Mhm.. Okay dear lets go to our bedroom and lets call it a day today okay darling?

Third : Okay.. (Yawn).

Third person : So Soviet And Third Went To Their Bedroom to  get the bed ready and to prepare for their goodnight sleep.

Third : Gute Nacht..Darling..

Soviet : Good night Dear.

(They both sleep)

Words : 614

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