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<Chapter 17>

Third person : ( 4 am) Third woke up because he wanted to drink water so he went out of the bed but something grabbed him by the waist. And he sat on soviet's lap.

Third Reich : What the.. Oh you're awake.

Soviet : Morning Dear. ( Kisses on cheek)

Third Reich : Let me go I wanna drink water..

Soviet : Nope.

Third Reich : Ugh fine I'll get out by myself.(Tries To Squeeze Out of his arms)

Soviet : Heh.. Your not going anywhere.

Third Reich : Are you High right now or something?

Soviet : Maybe.

Third Reich : Ugh Fine.. A few more minutes. If I stay. will you let me go?

Soviet : Sure I'll let you go.(Cuddles with him).

A few minutes later...

Third Reich : Move. Im Dieing of thirst right now. I'll be back sowjet. (Leaves)

Third person : Third Went down the hall to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Then.

Russia : Mom?

Third Reich : Ah! Oh? what are you doing here this early?

Kazakhstan : Im hungry Mom Can you feed me something?

Third Reich : Son. Its too early. We normally eat When your siblings are awake. But I'll try to find something.

Kazakhstan: Thanks mom!

Third person : Third Looked inside the cabinet. to find some biscuits. he checked the expiry date and gives it to him.

Third Reich : Now Don't eat it all ok?

Kazakhstan : Ok Thanks mom! (Runs back to bedroom)

Third Reich : Phew.. Being a Mother is hard.I'll Just go back. (Goes back to bedroom)

Third Reich : Honey. Im back. (Crawls on bed) He's Asleep.. (Kisses on forehead and..)

Soviet: (hugs again) Boo!

Third Reich : Oh God..You were not asleep were you?

Soviet : Hehe.Your Reaction to me asleep was priceless!

Third Reich : Ugh Shut the Fuck up..I'm gonna go to sleep
Im fucking tired.

Soviet : Okays!

🌸A few hours later🌸

Third Person:









Third Reich : Oh- Okay Okay . I'm awake

(My Dog Ate my Motivation 😃)

Words : 338

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