👨‍👨‍👧‍👦<Family Meet-up>👨‍👨‍👧‍👦

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                             <Chapter 9>

After eating, Soviet got a phone call from his sister that his children wanted to see him. Leaving Reich in the kitchen.

(Third Person) Soviet enters the kitchen after the call from his sister.

(Third) What was that about Sowjet?.

(Soviet) A call from my sister shes saying that my kids wanted to see him.

(Third) Wait.. You have kids?

(Soviet) Yea? You didn't know?

(Third) Can i follow you?

(Soviet) Ahh.. I dont know Darling. My father really doesnt like your family.

(Third) Maybe you can change his mind?

(Soviet) I guess. Okay got get ready darling.

(Third) Okay!

(Third person) After they got ready. Soviet was waiting for Reich Becuz Reich is a neat freak so yea.

(Third person) After waiting outside for a while Reich finally came out of the house.

(Third) Sowjet.. You sure he would accept me..

(Soviet) Of course darling. I will try for you. Now get you ass in the Mother fucking car.

(Third) Okay (giggling)

(Third person) They drive off to Sielle's house (its a bit far). Reich was kinda stressing out to get his ass out off the car because he was scared of R.E (Russian Emp) And Soviet had to calm him down before they went in. AND THEY WENT IN!!!!!!!. (WOW) ( to the house)

(Third) (Cant even breathe Properly ) Sowjet y-you sure.

(Soviet) Come on darling. We are almost there calm down Hon.

(Third) Okay... But im staying behind you.

(Third person) As they approuched the big fancy house Soviet rang the doorbell and he could hear his children running infront off him.(But first Sielle Of course) Sielle opened the door.

(Sielle) Whats up bro I hadnt see you in a long time ay?! (Sees Reich behind him) And whos this Fella behind you? You guys freinds,married?,Couples?! I have alot of question to ask you big brother. Come in your free. And the children yea they are upstairs. And im gonna call dad.


(Third's mind) Shit..

(Sielle) Come in Brother! Sit over there with your fella. Be right back.

(Third person) Soviet sits on the couch with Reich behind him sitting with him. Holding his hand. And Sielle and R.E And the Children Camera to sit down( also small talk by the way)

(Russian Empire) Son I missed yoh so much! (Hugs Soviet)

(Soviet) I missed you also Papa.

(Reich) (Akwardly Standing beside him.)

(The Children)




Belarus:🤭(Shes the oldest so she knows that Soviet is dating Reich)

(Sielle) : 😏 (thinking that they sre married)

(Third person) Russian Empire turns to reich and walks toward him.

(R.E) Now who are you? (Serious mode on) (R.E Brain Anylizing)

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