Chapter 03

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"Come on, Kasie

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"Come on, Kasie. You got this." Kasie sighed, coaching herself to get out of bed. She was having one of her off days where she felt as though a heavy weight was on her chest.

Pushing the covers from her body Kasie forced herself to get up and go to the bathroom and start her morning routine. Using the bathroom and then washing her hands, Kasie washed her face and then went over to her vanity to do her makeup routine.

Grabbing a Q-tip, Kasie dabbed away a loose tear that slipped from her eye, trying to move on with her routine and stop the tears from coming down her face.

As she tried to continue, she eventually had to stop completely because her tears wouldn't stop coming. Her breasts were sore from overpumping and breastfeeding. Sometimes, Kasie would fall asleep while she was pumping and that was an absolute 'no-no'. This meant that she'd often wake up with very sore nipples, drained milk ducts, and sometimes an overflowing milk cup.

"Fuck." Kasie groaned as she heard Kalix start to whine over the baby monitor.

Quickly moving back to the bathroom, Kasie washed the makeup from her face, grabbing her mini fan to dry her lash extensions after she finished.

Moving to her closet, Kasie grabbed a slight outfit that consisted of one of Jayson's sweatshirts and some NIKE pros shorts. She'd be changing out of it before she had to leave the house, but she just needed something to wear while getting the Kalix ready for the day.

Kalix would be going with his grandfather, Kareem for the day since Kasie & Jayson needed to go to Deuce's first-quarter review for his school. Kaoir would be getting picked up by Brandy and spending the remainder of his day with her while the Tatum's were busy.

Going into Kalix's room, Kasie smiled at the sight of her baby boy, picking him up and filling his cheek and neck with small kisses before putting him on the changing table to change his diaper and clothes.

"You hungry, lil man?" Kasie asked just as she finished putting on his outfit, picking him up then moving over the the mini fridge within his room and grabbing a bottle of milk to put into the milk warmer.

Turning on the TV in his room, Kasie turned to a baby learning channel and sat Kalix down to do his 'tummy' time and stretching while his bottle warmed.

After giving Kalix his morning feed, Kasie put him back to sleep for his next only an hour later. This gave her time to change into her outfit for the day, pack Kalix's bag, and get him into his car seat.

Packing a couple of snacks for herself, Kasie then made the fifteen-minute drive to her parents' home to drop off Kalix and then made her way to KMM Realty & Design headquarters.

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