Chapter 01

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"Ugh, I swear I hate you so much right now!" Kasie exclaimed, squeezing tightly onto Jayson's hand as she went through labor pains

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"Ugh, I swear I hate you so much right now!" Kasie exclaimed, squeezing tightly onto Jayson's hand as she went through labor pains.

"I love you too, mama." Jayson chuckled, kissing her forehead before wiping the sweat from it. Staring at her in pure admiration as she began to bring their son into the world.

"Alright, mama. I just need one more big push from you. Can you do that for me, Kasie?" Katrina, Kasie's midwife spoke, looking up at Kasie with a reassuring smile.

"Wait." Kasie sighed, trying to catch her breath and collect herself. "I'd really like some ice chips." She fanned herself, feeling a flash of heat as she went through yet another powerful contraction, forcing her grip on her husband's hand to tighten yet again.

"I can get those for you as soon as you give me this final push, okay?" Katrina nodded.

"Okay-- ohh my god!" Kasie cut herself off with a scream as she felt her vaginal opening expanding even more to allow her son through. "Katrina, get him out of me. He's doing too damn much right now." Kasie groaned out in pain.

"Alright, let's get this done. Are you ready?" Katrina asked again, placing her hands in the proper position.

Unable to properly formulate words due to the pain she was experiencing, Kasie gave a simple head nod and gripped the side of her hospital bed with her free hand, trying not to grip Jayson's hand so hard.

Other than the expected pain, Kasie was going through her natural birth like a pro. Opting out of the epidural was something she questioned a hundred times before deciding to go along with it. During her labor, there were times when she wished she had taken the epidural, but in the end, it all paid off.

Being able to say that she naturally pushed her son out of her was something she would be proud of. Although she got an epidural during her first birth with her first son, she was still proud to say that she at least tried and succeeded with both.

Her pre-birth preparations were crucial in what made it so easy for her during her natural, no-medication birth. Her diet was the key role as she made sure to eat foods recommended by fellow mothers and doctors in order to make her labor a little easier.

Although, Kasie would wholeheartedly vouch that the foods she ingested during her pregnancy were absolutely disgusting, she would also make sure to give credit where credit was due. Eating things like the slime from soaked okra was not only nutritionally beneficial but it acted as a natural lubricant during the birthing process.

In total, it took seven hours of labor and a handful of pushes to get the Tatum's handsome baby boy out and into the world.

Kalix Jay'Ani Tatum born August 4, 2023 at 12:12am weighed a total of 7.7lbs and was ranked to be in the 99th percentile length as he measured out at 22.5".

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