Chapter 04

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"Baby, I don't feel well

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"Baby, I don't feel well." Kasie spoke weakly on the phone with Jayson. She had just finished up some of her school work, and some work for her company meaning she was left to sit in her thoughts since she finished everything she needed to do.

"What's wrong?" Jayson frowned. He was currently on a five-day road trip on the other side of the country.

"I feel like I'm all over the place. Like my head is fuzzy or something." Kasie tried to explain as best as she could, but she couldn't understand the feeling herself.

"Fuzzy?" Jayson furrowed his eyebrows, trying to see if Kasie could give him a better type of explanation to explain how she felt in the moment.

"Yeah, my emotions have been all over the place lately. I talked to my mom about it and she gave me a contact for a postpartum therapist, I think I'll set an appointment with her." Kasie explained.

"That's good, mama. When are you going to set the appointment? You want me there?" Jayson asked.

"Probably for later this week if I can. I think I'll just go by myself." Kasie shrugged.

"You sure?" Jayson asked. He wanted to be there for Kasie in any way that he could, especially if postpartum was what she was experiencing.

"Yeah. I want to be able to speak freely with her." Kasie nodded to herself, not meaning anything by the statement.

"What you mean?" Jayson's face frowned immediately. "You can't speak freely around me?" He asked, clearly offended.

"I never said that--" Kasie started.

"You implied it though." Jayson argued.

"If you'd let me finish. I never said I couldn't speak freely around you, I'd just feel more comfortable to be fully transparent with the doctor instead of in front of you. Some things you just can't handle when it comes to me baby, and I don't want you blaming yourself." Kasie explained.

She knew her husband like the back of her hand. Whenever it came down to anything with Kasie, Jayson had a tendency to question how comfortable she was with him. He always questioned and wanted to know if Kasie was comfortable telling him anything and everything... which she was. She just knew that certain things were best kept to herself or to a paid professional.

"What?" Jayson's frown remained. "What can't I handle when it comes to you?"

"My emotions, Jayson. You can't handle certain things if I were to tell them to you, and I just know that for a fact, especially with the way I've been feeling lately." Kasie sighed, feeling a headache coming on.

"I can't handle your emotions, Kasie? Really?" Jayson scoffed.

"I don't feel like arguing, Jay." Kasie shook her head.

"Nah, I wanna know how I 'can't handle' your emotions? How can I not? That doesn't even make fucking sense." Jayson egged on.

"Because I barely fucking had any before I was pregnant. I wasn't a big crier, or heavily emotional person before I got pregnant, so how can you handle something you've never been around? Plus, whenever I experienced anything postpartum related, you weren't there to help me, and that's just me being honest." Kasie spoke harshly. If Jayson wanted to start and argument then she would too.

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