Chapter 05

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"Okay, sit in here with your brothers and Mommy will be out in a minute, okay?" Kasie spoke to Kaoir

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"Okay, sit in here with your brothers and Mommy will be out in a minute, okay?" Kasie spoke to Kaoir. Setting him down on the couch, Kasie then made her way back into her bedroom upstairs, rushing to the bathroom.

Hunching over the toilet, Kasie let loose the contents of her stomach. Walking into the bathroom, Jayson rushed over to Kasie, rubbing her back and holding her hair back while she finished up.

"It's okay, mama." Jayson assured Kasie as she started to cry. "Let it out." He continued patting her back as she continued gagging.

As she finished up, Jayson helped Kasie stand up and she flashed the toilet. Grabbing a washcloth, Jayson ran warm water over it, squeezing all the water out before running it around Kasie's mouth.

"Ugh. I feel disgusting." Kasie frowned, glancing at herself in the mirror.

"Here, baby." Jayson spoke, handing Kasie a wet toothbrush with toothpaste on it so she could brush her teeth.

"You sick?" Jayson asked, looking at Kasie. He couldn't remember if Kasie held any symptoms of sickness and he was sure she didn't but he just wanted to be sure.

"No. I don't know where that came from." Kasie spoke after she finished brushing her teeth. Tossing the toothbrush in the trash, Kasie them grabbed her TheraBreath mouthwash to top of everything.

Setting her hands on the countertop, Kasie looked down at the ground. Her throwing up triggered a headache within her which made her feel woozy and unbalanced.

"Baby? You okay?" Jayson asked, putting his hands on her waist to help her stand straight since he noticed she was rocky side to side almost as if she was going to fall over.

"Yeah. I'm fine, Jay." Kasie assured him. "Thank you for the help, but can I get a minute?" She asked, closing her eyes as she tried to get her thoughts in order.

"Baby." Jayson sighed. He didn't want to leave her alone in this moment, especially when he was unsure about how stable she was since she looked as if she could pass out at any moment.

"I promise I'm okay, papa. Just five minutes, please." Kasie pleaded. She felt as though she just needed a minute to herself to get everything together.

"I'm gonna go tell my mom to take the boys. We'll just have to catch up with them later." Jayson shook his head, pulling out his phone.

"No." Kasie shook her head, speaking sternly. Jayson looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows. "This is Kalix's first Halloween. Just give me five minutes to get myself together, Jayson."

"Baby, you can barely stand up straight. He won't even remember any of this--"

"That's not the point. I'll remember it. Just let me have this one thing, please." Kasie's voice broke as tears formed in her eyes.

"Monroe, talk to me, what's wrong?" Jayson saw the tears forming in her eyes which threw him off a little bit.

"Five minutes." Tears fell from Kasie's eyes. "Just give me, five minutes." She pleaded with him. Shaking his head, Jayson hesitantly agreed to give Kasie a moment of space.

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