Chapter I: Memories

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- - 3rd Person's POV: - -

The swarm of butterflies flew around the fruitful garden of the Alderitch Manor, softly landing and flying around the beautiful blooms giving the ambience a lively gleam.

As the insects continue to spread wide around, one particular butterfly flew away from its swarm, it continued to frolick on its own until it found itself in the hands of Cleo.

The young master let the butterfly land its legs gently on the tip of his fingers.

Cleo: "..Hmm.."

A hum the young master only muttered as he examined the beauty of the butterfly.

Soon, the door of his bedroom opened quite loud, startling the butterfly which had caused it to fly away off Cleo's fingertips.

Cleo: "...What a shame."

Slowly turning around with one of his hand placed on his waist, he saw the Manor's attendants arrive along with them was all of his baggages that he had brought from his academy.

"Your luggages have arrived young master, just tell us the word and we will arrange them all to your liking" one of the attendants spoke.

Cleo: "No, simply put my things down there, I'll take care of putting them out in my room, thank you for your service."

He politely declined their attendants' help yet his words still toneless which worried some of them.

"Of course master, would yo-"

Cleo: "If possible I would prefer to handle my belongings alone."

The attendant was interrupted mid of his sentence, but complied to their master's command.

"As you wish master" soon, all of them had left Cleo with his luggages untouched.

The young master approached his items as he slowly opened the bags, carefully pulling out the items that were inside.

One by one he gently pulled trophies awarded to him for different academic subjects as well as golden medals and certificates of excellence as symbols of  acknowledging his tremendous performances. 

He placed them all in order in the empty shelves his father had ordered to build for his convenience.

He knew just how much of an achiever  Cleo can be and how far he'd soar just to obtain the award he'd been dreaming off, so as a gift for his son's determination was a beautiful shelf to easily display his hardworks.

Cleo on the other hand knew his father would not even consider this to be a gift as he believed that every achievement his children receives deserves a celebratory party to honor his great sons.

Both Cleo and his older brother were witnesses of that.

Cleo: "During those years of being gone... I wonder how the two of them had been holding on since then."

As he brushed off these sweet memories off, footsteps could be heard coming from outside his room.

When half of his awards were arranged
to his liking, Cleo's eyes lowered down as he felt the incoming footsteps come to a stop on the door behind him.

"It seems someone has finally decided to return back home" a familiar tone of voice killed the silence of Cleo's room.

Cleo only looked back slightly, not interested in facing his brother for now.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" His brother continued off but still no response until...

Cleo took a deep breath.

Cleo: "All these years passed by and not even a single factor of yours have changed, how are you "Alex?"."

"Sam Alexander Alderitch" Cleo's older brother, also known as the person who's always on his side back when they were little.

Vivid memories flooded Cleo's mind as he remembered the moments where he and his brother used to play in the garden, in the kitchen, and even in the long hallways of the manor which eventually caught their father's attention that led him to put some restrictions.

But due to Alex's stubbornness, it barely did anything, Although out of respect for their loveable father, he still complied.

Alex: "Woah little bro' where did that tone of yours come from?"

Cleo didn't entertain his brother's question.

Alex: "I guess with all those pressures they put their students in that academy really stretches out their worst huh? I guess you're an evidence yourself."

Cleo: "It would seem so... But it did not faze me as I grew up. Instead it helped me open my eyes to what this world truly is.

Alex cleared his throat and chuckles awkwardly, he had no idea how to respond in a reply like that...

"Geez... What the hell did they put him in there... It feels like I'm talking to a whole new person" Alex thought.

When Cleo finally turned around after finishing with his arrangements, Alex's smirk formed to a frown as he finally saw the once bubbly and sweet child he used to play with now became the gloomiest person he had possibly ever met.

His brother's expression was something entirely new.

Cleo: "Is there something that you'd want to talk about?"

He tilted his head as his brother snapped back to himself.

Alex: "Oh... I just want to come and check on you and possibly invite you to dinner later?"

Cleo: "...Of course, I'll be there."

Alex: "Great! See you later then?"

Cleo only nodded before getting the rest of his things on his bags. 

Alex nodded as he slowly turned back to the door and exited his young brother's room.

Walking down the hallways, he was hesitant in believing on who he just talked to...

Alex: "This is surely... Unexpected." He spoke to himself.

"I didn't even think that I would've had a conversation like that with him when I only wanted a hug on his return..."

- - End - -

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