Chapter 2

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One year and a half had passed since Khalish Iman had embraced his destiny as Spender-Man, the protector of Kuala Lumphattan. With each passing day, he grew more skilled at wielding his correction tape web shooters and navigating the city's skyscrapers with grace and agility.

On a typical day, while swinging through the city, Spender-Man overheard a breaking news report on a radio from a helicopter. A dangerous plutonium shipment was under siege at Oscorp. Without a second thought, Spender-Man swung into action, determined to thwart the impending disaster.

At the scene, chaos ensued as a bald man named Ammar Hakim led a tow truck that was wreaking havoc on the streets. He smashed into vehicles, intending to steal the Oscorp truck carrying the dangerous plutonium. Armed assistants set explosives to break open the hatch while Russian thugs kept the police at bay.

Spender-Man leaped into action, showing off his impressive acrobatics as he pursued the fleeing tow truck. The Russian goons successfully blew open the hatch and moved to take the valuable yellowish vials contained inside. Unbeknownst to them, these vials held dangerous radioactive material, P-238.

During the commotion, we cut to an Oscorp employee, Naim Haziq, a socially awkward geek, fumbling with blueprints that he had been tasked to deliver. The papers fell to the street, and just in the nick of time, Spender-Man swooped in and saved Naim from being run over by a taxi. He handed Naim the blueprints and noted his connection to Oscorp before swiftly leaping away.

As Spender-Man continued to pursue the tow truck, Hakim's reckless driving caused chaos on the streets. The P-238 vials bounced dangerously inside the truck. Just when it seemed that disaster was inevitable, Spender-Man managed to catch, juggle, and swing like a chandelier to avert a catastrophe.

However, amidst the high-stakes chase, Spender-Man's phone rang, reminding him of a promise he had broken. Syuhada Razli, affectionately known as Syu, had been waiting for him at their school's Teacher's Day event, and he was running very late. He couldn't help but imagine disapproving glances from her father, remembering his vow to keep her safe.

Syu was called to deliver her valedictory speech, standing before all the students and teachers. As she spoke eloquently, Khalish wasn't there to witness her moment of triumph, and guilt gnawed at him.

Back at the truck chase, Spender-Man finally managed to subdue Hakim and retrieved the dangerous P-238. But as he saluted in victory, a violent encounter with Hakim's AK-47 awaited him.

The scene cuts back to the Teacher's Day event, where Syu anxiously searched for Khalish. He was nowhere to be found, and her heart sank as she realized that he had once again broken a promise to her. 

After the intense truck chase, Spender-Man swung through the city, making his way to SMK Shah Alam, his school. With precision and speed, he changed into his school clothes, ensuring no one suspected his alter ego.

As he entered the school grounds, Syuhada Razli, affectionately known as Syu, finally spotted Khalish amidst the bustling crowd. A smile lit up her face as she approached him. However, the school's Teacher's Day event was already underway, and the other students were preparing to sing a special song on stage.

"I'm sorry I was late, Syu. Something came up," Khalish said apologetically as he glanced at the stage where the students were assembling. The guilt of missing her valedictory speech weighed heavily on him.

"It's okay, Khalish. I knew you'd be here eventually," Syu replied, her voice gentle and understanding. She knew that being Spender-Man meant he had to deal with unexpected challenges and responsibilities.

As the event concluded, Khalish was surrounded by his best friend and classmate, Danial Adi Pratama, fondly known as Danil. The two shared a close bond, and Danil playfully teased Khalish about his relationship with Makayla Ayu, or MK, suggesting that he should ask her out.

Khalish chuckled and shook his head. "No, Danil, MK and I are just friends. I'm with Syu, and I couldn't be happier," he replied, a warm smile spreading across his face as he looked at Syu, who was chatting with her friends.

Curiosity got the better of Khalish, and he inquired about MK's relationship status. She revealed that she had recently broken up with Mabrur, the former bully who had since become Khalish's friend.

Concerned for her, Khalish approached Mabrur and offered his sympathy. "Hey, man, I heard about your breakup. Are you okay?" Khalish asked, genuinely caring for his friend's well-being.

Mabrur appreciated the gesture and pulled Khalish into a hug. "Thanks, Khalish. It's tough, but I'll get through it. I'm glad we're friends now," Mabrur said, his voice softening with gratitude.

As the event wound down, Khalish headed towards his aunt's car to leave. Syu's mother approached him, extending an invitation to take pictures with Syu and her family, an opportunity for Khalish to bond with Syu's loved ones.

Khalish hesitated for a moment, wanting to be there for Syu and her family. However, he knew he couldn't reveal his identity as Spender-Man or let anyone get too close to his secret life. "I appreciate the offer, but I have something I need to take care of. Maybe another time," Khalish said, offering a polite smile.

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