Chapter 3

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At 8 pm, Khalish mustered the courage to show up for the date with Syu, but his heart was heavy with conflicting emotions. He couldn't bring himself to enter the Chinese restaurant where Syu and her family were waiting. Syu, sensing his hesitancy, met him at the door, determined to confront the situation head-on.

They talked once again about her father and the promise Khalish had made to keep her safe. Khalish was torn, torn between his love for Syu and his fear of putting her in danger because of his actions as Spender-Man. He knew he couldn't bear the thought of losing her because of the dangerous path he had chosen.

Syu, however, wasn't willing to accept his fears as an excuse. She couldn't stand the uncertainty and danger that came with being with him. As much as she loved him, she realized that she couldn't bear the constant worry and fear that came with his superhero alter ego.

With a heavy heart, Syu made the difficult decision to break it off. She knew that it was the best choice for both of them, as painful as it might be. Khalish's heart shattered as he watched her walk away, knowing that their love wasn't enough to overcome the challenges they faced.

The next morning, Khalish took to the skies once again as Spender-Man, patrolling the city he loved. Despite his emotional turmoil, he couldn't ignore his duty to protect Kuala Lumphattan. The wind rippled through his Spendey suit as he swung gracefully from building to building.

As he saved a grade school kid and his science project, he couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia, remembering how he had encouraged Naim in a similar situation at the beginning of his journey as Spender-Man.

While on patrol, Spender-Man came across a robbery at a Speedmart 99. He swiftly apprehended the robber but accidentally sneezed inside his mask due to the flu he was suffering from. Despite the discomfort, he continued his mission to protect the city, engaging in an extended montage of heroics.

As he saved lives, changed clothes, and mingled with costumed Malaysians, he kept an eye on Syu from a distance, unable to let go completely. But as he watched her interact with Izzah and MK, he realized that he needed to give her space and respect her decision.

However, just as he was about to take a moment to observe Syu, Spender-Man's heightened senses detected a building nearby on fire. He swung into action, prioritizing the safety of the city over his own emotions.

Unbeknownst to him, Syu noticed his heroic actions from a distance, her heart aching with conflicted feelings. She couldn't help but admire the selflessness and bravery that Spender-Man exhibited, but her decision to break things off with Khalish remained firm. 

After the intense fire rescue, Khalish returned home to his Aunt Septi's house, still wearing his Spender-Man suit and his face smudged with soot. Aunt Septi, ever caring and concerned, noticed his disheveled appearance and asked him to open his bedroom doors.

Khalish, not wanting to reveal his secret identity or his dirty face, hesitated. He attempted to take off his suit discreetly, but in his rush, his socks accidentally unlocked the door. He quickly covered himself with a blanket, pretending that he was naked to hide the truth.

"What are you doing in there, Khalish?" Aunt Septi called out with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"I, uh, I'm naked!" Khalish replied, trying to sound casual and sneaky at the same time.

Aunt Septi raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by Khalish's response. "Naked? Why is your face all dirty then? And what were you doing?"

Thinking on his feet, Khalish responded, "Oh, I was just cleaning a chimney."

Aunt Septi seemed skeptical, but she let the matter drop for the moment. "Well, whatever you were doing, go downstairs and change your clothes. You look a mess."

Once Aunt Septi left, Khalish took a moment to reflect on the events of the day. As he glanced around his room, his eyes fell on an old bag that belonged to his late father, Salehuddin. The bag held precious memories of his parents, and it served as a reminder of the sacrifices they had made for him.

Feeling a wave of emotions, Khalish picked up the bag and discovered old pictures of Syu tucked away inside. The images brought back a flood of memories of their time together, laughter, and the joy they had shared before the darkness of his Spender-Man persona consumed his life.

Torn between his love for Syu and his duty as Spender-Man, Khalish shut the closet door with his trusty correction tape, sealing away the pictures. He knew that keeping the pictures hidden was a necessary step to protect her from the dangers that he faced as a hero.

In that moment, Khalish knew that he had to find a way to strike a balance between his responsibilities as Spender-Man and his personal life. The weight of his double life felt heavier than ever, but he was determined to find a way to protect the city and the people he loved without sacrificing everything.

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