Chapter 3

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The college campus buzzed with students gathering and taking their seats as Ashok Nanda had arrived to address the new students. Abhi, unfamiliar with the distinction between "Tata" and "Bata" students, unknowingly headed to sit with the "Tata" crowd. However, Sudo, approaching from behind, greeted him.

Sudo: "Hey, Abhimanyu Singh, right?"

Abhi: "Yeah, right?"

Sudo: "You can call me Sudo."

Abhi: "Okay."

Sudo: "Listen, all of us scholarship students give you a grand salute."

Abhi: "Why?"

Sudo: "You shook up the ABCs as soon as you arrived."

Abhi: "ABCs?"

Sudo: "Yes, 'Ameer Bache or unke Chamche' (Affluent Brats and their Companions)."

Sudo pointed out the "TATA" students, including Tanya, Rohan, and Jeet, who were staring at Abhi. Undeterred, Abhi confidently replied, "I'm not scared of anyone."

As Abhi started to move towards the vacant seat, Sudo stopped him, saying, "Hey... hey... Where are you off to?"

Abhi: "There's an empty seat there."

Sudo: "So is your pocket. Just sit with the nerdy gang and be within your budget."

Abhi playfully retorted, "I'm going to open a new account. Want to join?"

Sudo jokingly responded, "Death wish!"

With a smile, Abhi decided to take a seat among the "TATA" students, paying no attention to the surprised looks he received, especially from Shruti, Shanaya, Rohan, and Jeet. The students chattered as the Dean entered and welcomed them to the new term.

Dean: "Good morning, boys and girls. New term, new dreams, and new challenges for all of you, the 'Student Of The Year,' a tradition I started 25 years ago. Only one of you will win the trophy, and the college will fully fund the higher studies of the winner at an international IVY league college. Now, please welcome India's leading Business Icon and the College's trustee, Mr. Ashok Nanda."

Applause filled the air as Abhi's eyes lit up with excitement, while Rohan, initially uninterested, clapped along with the crowd.

After Ashok Nanda's speech, Coach approached Abhi and praised his sports scholarship and national-level football skills. Abhi expressed his desire to earn his place on the team, impressing the Coach with his attitude. Dimpy, however, made a sarcastic remark, but Coach brushed it off and challenged Abhi to showcase his dribbling skills.

Abhi accepted the challenge with gratitude, and Coach commended his confidence, instructing Dimpy not to interrupt again.

Now we move on to the football round, where two teams are competing to win the game, and Abhi and Rohan are on opposite sides. Abhi takes center stage in the field, effortlessly scoring goals as if there's no one to stop him. At the end of the match, Abhi's team emerges victorious, lifting him up in cheers and celebration. However, Rohan is not pleased with the loss.

Rohan vents his frustration, "This Abhimanyu must be shown his place."

Jeet, not the sharpest, innocently asks, "Why? Hasn't he settled in his room?"

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