Chapter - 5

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Following their triumphant victory in the football competition, Rohan and Abhi found themselves at Rohan's home.

"Mom, this is Abhi... Abhimanyu. Hello, aunt," Rohan introduced.

"Hello, dear. Welcome, Abhi. Your dad is asking for you," Rohan's mother warmly greeted Abhi.

"For me? Why? Is he not feeling well?" Rohan wondered.

"Come along," Rohan's mother beckoned.

Meanwhile, Ashok Nanda was engrossed in a phone call.

"Sir, please do this for me... And as a 'Thank you,' I'll send you a generous gift," Ashok negotiated on the phone.

Rohan:- Dad... This is my friend...

Ashok:- Abhimanyu, right?

Rohan:- We are celebrating today...

Abhi:-Thanks to Rohan we won the match...

Ashok:-Thanks to Rohan? Really? I can't believe it...

Rohan:-Dad never praises anyone, Especially me...

Ashok: "If you want praise, then strive to deserve it. Accomplish something significant. Win the Student of the Year trophy, and then we can talk."

Rohan:-You won't be happy even then, Dad...

Ashok:-"So what's wrong with that? Ambition is everything in life. You tell me, Abhimanyu... Don't you want to win the Student Of the Year Trophy?"

"It's already mine, sir... Just has to reach home..." Abhi confidently responded.

"This is what I like... I'm very pleased to meet you... Tell me... What do you want to be in life?" Ashok inquired.

"You, sir... Like you, I come from a small town... Like you, I bagged admission through a scholarship... I want to work in your company so that I can be a bigger business tycoon than you..." Abhi revealed his aspirations.

Ashok (impressed): "I truly admire that mindset. It's a refreshing change from those who aim to change the world with a guitar. I hope some of your determination rubs off on Rohan, motivating him to become someone."

Rohan playfully added, "I don't know what I will be in life... but I sure will be a better Dad than you... Dad! Come Abhi... let's go."

Rohan and Abhi leave, After that day's match, everything had changed between Abhi and Rohan.

Abhi, who had never openly talked about his life with anyone except his grandmother, was now conversing with Rohan day and night.

Whether it was the college classroom or the football field, Abhi's entire focus remained on Rohan. It was as if there was an invisible thread pulling Abhi towards Rohan, and Rohan, who used to avoid going home to meet his own family, now enjoyed visiting Abhi's house. He would go to Abhi's home and stay there until Abhi leave with him.

Rohan was undergoing a gradual transformation. His once fiery temper had turned into laughter, and behind that laughter was Abhi.

He had become content, finally finding someone who fully accepted him.  The boy who used to avoid eating anywhere below a 5-star hotel was now sitting by the roadside tea stall with Abhi, sipping spiced tea. The same Rohan who struggled to express, even over the grandest of gifts was now finding joy in the smallest of life's moments, shared with Abhi.

The boy who had never been willing to listen to anyone's words properly was now solely attuned to Abhi's voice. It was as if nothing else in life held importance except for the words that Abhi spoke.

In the Present

Dimply recalled, "Remember how Rohan and Abhi kept practicing football together even after formal practice?"

Jeet added, "Absolutely. I used to keep saying, 'Boss Chale, Boss, let's go,' while they continued playing."

Sudo chimed in, "And their inseparability was legendary."

Sruti reflected, "Amid their happy camaraderie, I vividly remember that one day, when I and Shanaya found Rohan crying in Abhi's arms."

Shanaya affirmed, "Yes, we were taken aback."

Tanya inquired, "But what happened that Rohan was crying, that too in Abhi's arms?"

Shanaya was drawn into her memories, recalling the past. It was days after a disagreement between her and Rohan. She had wanted to discuss it, but he remained distant. When she saw Rohan shedding tears in Abhi's arms, it was a shock. Rohan, who seldom displayed vulnerability to her, was openly weeping in front of Abhi.

Tears streamed down Rohan's face as Abhi held him tightly. In that moment, Rohan's deepest wish was for Abhi to remain by his side. Rohan clung to Abhi, his grip firm whenever Abhi tried to pull away. As Sruti and Shanaya departed, Rohan's voice reached them through his tears, "Please just hold me, hold me."

As the others reminisced, Shanaya was lost in the memory of that poignant moment. Tanya's voice brought her back to the present.

Tanya: "Hello, are you there, Shanaya?"

Shanaya: "Uh, yeah, what? No, yes, I'm here."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the conversations from before last year started again. Shanaya realized that Rohan had distanced himself from her even before his brother's wedding.

In the past,

It was an early morning, and Rohan was engrossed in his music practice. On the other side, his family was having breakfast, and Abhi joined them.

Abhi: "Good morning, sir."

When Ashok Nanda saw Abhi there, he greeted him warmly and invited him to join them for breakfast.

Abhi: "It was late last night, so Rohan asked me to stay over... Hello, aunty."

Ashok: "You are more than welcome, and I apologize for the noise. The maestro is practicing... Or what Rohan Nanda calls music."

Amid laughter, Rohan's brother chimed in, "I had plans to consult Rohan for my wedding music... but now, I might reconsider."

The wedding theme lingered as Ashok continued, "Speaking of weddings, Ajay is tying the knot in Thailand. Dean, Shanaya, Tanya, and their families are all going. You should come too."

Playfully, Rohan's brother added, "Indeed, you should, and you're welcome to use our private jet."

Abhi expressed surprise, "Rohan didn't mention this."

Ashok Nanda: "He hasn't received the invitation yet."

Abhi smiled at the jest, and Rohan's brother burst into laughter. Meanwhile, Rohan's mother remained her usual quiet self.

"On that note, I must head out. Running late as always. Oh, who do we have here? Please, make yourselves comfortable Rohan. This is your home. Have your breakfast. Sit down. It's your house too, Gayatri," Ashok addressed, as the rest of Rohan's family made their exit.

Left behind were Rohan and Abhi, continuing their conversation at the table.

"I'll be attending your brother's wedding. Mr. Nanda just invited me," Abhi shared.

"Congratulations. Maybe he'll even throw in a share of the inheritance," Rohan teased.

With a glint of ambition, Abhi replied, "That's exactly what I'm aiming for."

"Remember, with that bank balance comes the entire package, including Dad," Rohan warned in jest.

Chuckling, Abhi retorted, "For a fortune like that, I'd gladly carry not only Dad but Granddad and our ancestors too."

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