Chapter 9

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Abhi and Rohan had stood vigil outside the hospital for hours, the clock striking 1 a.m. in the quiet night. Rohan had steadfastly ignored numerous calls on his phone, his sole focus being on supporting Abhi during this difficult time.

Abhi: "Ah, Rohan."

Rohan: "Yes?"

Abhi: "I think it's best if you go home now. Your mother has called several times, and my uncle is here, so..."

Rohan: "You're finished talking. Just, please, stop. I'm not leaving until I hear that Grandma is better."

Abhi: "But, Rohan..."

Rohan: "No 'buts.' I'm staying right here. You're my Jaan, Abhi, and I won't abandon you in your time of need."

Abhi: "Jaan? (Sweetheart/ Life)?"

Rohan: "Yes, any doubts?"

Just then, Abhi's uncle arrived, providing an update on Grandma's condition.

Abhi's uncle: "Abhi."

Abhi: "Yes, uncle, how is Grandma?"

Abhi's uncle: "The doctor said Grandma's condition has improved for now, but the next 48 hours are crucial. You stay here; I'll go get the prescribed medicines."

Upon hearing the news of Grandma's recovery, Abhi finally found a semblance of peace, his eyes welling up with tears.

Rohan: "Are you crying?"

Abhi: "What? No, I'm just..."

Rohan (embracing Abhi): "Cry as much as you need to. I'm here to support you."

It was early morning when Abhi's uncle suggested that Abhi and Rohan take his children and Abhi's aunt back home, where they could rest before returning to the hospital. After dropping off the kids and aunt, Abhi rushed back to the hospital.

Abhi: "Thanks for driving my aunt and the kids home."

Rohan: "Come on, no need to be so formal. You've helped me countless times; it's the least I can do."

Abhi: "Right. Well, I should get back to the hospital now."

Rohan: "Abhi."

Abhi: "Yes?"

Rohan: "Why are you pushing me away, especially when you need me the most?"

Abhi: "No, Rohan, it's not like that. You've been with me all night, and I just thought..."

Rohan stepped closer, gently taking Abhi's hands in his own. He locked eyes with Abhi, silently conveying his unwavering support and commitment.

Rohan: "I understand that after losing your parents, your grandma is your rock. It's hard to trust anyone else; the fear of being alone hurts too much. But this time, Abhi, I'm here for you."

Abhi: "Shall we have breakfast?"

Rohan: "What?"

Abhi: "Come on, let's eat something."

Rohan: "Alright, let's go."

Abhi looked at Rohan differently, finally trusting someone other than his grandmother. The emotions he had suppressed for weeks now overwhelmed him. Without hesitation, he gazed at Rohan with newfound trust.

Shanaya arrived at that moment.

Abhi: "Rohan, your girlfriend."

Rohan: "Yes, I texted Shanaya that I'm here, and she said she's coming."

Shanaya: "Hey Abhi, hi Rohan."

Rohan: "Hey Shanya."

Shanaya: "How is your grandma?"

Abhi: "She's fine now; you didn't have to come."

Shanaya: "I know you're upset with me. You don't even look at me. I don't know what I've done, but..."

Abhi: "Can I hear your story later?"

Shanaya: "I understand. That's why I came to see..."

Shanaya continued visiting the hospital over the next two days. Abhi and Rohan were there, offering their unwavering support.

Finally, Abhi's grandmother regained her voice, calling Abhi for a conversation. Abhi was deeply saddened by her condition, and he couldn't even meet her gaze as they talked.

Abhi (sad): "The doctors say your condition is severe. If something happens to you, I'll..."

Abhi's grandmother: "Never turn your back on someone. There's something important..."

Abhi: "Tell me..."

Abhi's grandmother: "After I'm gone, please place a beautiful picture of me in the living room, a smiling one..."

Tears welled up in Abhi's eyes, and he hugged his grandmother tightly.

Grandma's recovery had seemed possible, but her eventual passing left Abhi shattered. He withdrew into silence, avoiding conversations with anyone. A month had passed.

Shanaya visited Rohan's room, but he was absent. Jeet informed her that Rohan had gone to the garden with Abhi. It was 10 p.m., and Shanaya grew concerned, deciding to check on them.

Arriving at the garden, she found it deserted, save for Abhi and Rohan, locked in an intimate embrace, kissing each other.

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