Chapter 10

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As the days flowed by, time seemed endless, and the present felt like a never-ending abyss. Abhi had withdrawn from his classes, and he seldom returned home on weekends anymore. Worries swirled around him like a relentless storm, as everyone feared he might choose the wrong path. Rohan, a close friend, tried to reach out to Abhi, but each time, Abhi pushed him away, making it clear that he wished to remain isolated, avoiding connection with anyone.

But Rohan couldn't bear to give up. One night, he stood outside Abhi's room and softly knocked on the door. When Abhi opened it, there stood Rohan, a familiar face filled with concern.

Abhi: "Rohan, please, I don't want to talk. Just go."

With a heavy sigh, Abhi turned away. But Rohan refused to be deterred. He gently took Abhi's hand with one of his own, then tenderly placed his fingers over Abhi's lips, silencing his protests.

Rohan: "If you don't want to talk, that's okay. But there's something I need to share with you. Come with me."

Abhi hesitated but followed Rohan, silently expressing his doubts. Rohan didn't pay heed to Abhi's objections; he held on to Abhi's hand and led him out of the boys' hostel, where their fellow students watched in curiosity. They found themselves under the vast sky, the football field before them and a tranquil garden behind.

Abhi remained quiet as Rohan began to speak from the heart.

Rohan: "Do you recall that day when I had a heated argument with my father, and then, in my darkest moment, I hugged you, releasing all my pent-up anger and sorrow right there, in front of you?"

Rohan took both of Abhi's hands into his, his eyes overflowing with affection.

Rohan: "On that day, Abhi, I cried for the first time in four years. You might not have known this, but I had grown used to locking away my feelings, never confiding in anyone. Maybe that's why I was always so full of anger."

Abhi listened with aching eyes, sensing a pain in Rohan he had never seen before. It was as though Rohan was wounded deep within.

Rohan: "I rarely opened up to anyone, Abhi. But then, you came into my life, challenging my ego from the start."

A faint smile graced Abhi's lips.

Rohan: "Initially, I wanted to assert my dominance, but you were never trying to be dominant. You came with your dreams, and somehow, you outshone me. I can't explain it, but my whole life transformed."

Rohan took a step closer to Abhi, their breaths nearly intermingling. It seemed like a tempest brewed in Rohan's eyes. Abhi's hands gently held Rohan's waist, as though he never wanted to let go of this love, even for a moment.

Rohan: "I'm not as brave as you, Abhi. I might not completely understand your pain, but losing the love of your family is more excruciating than anything, and I know that better than anyone. As time passed, my father's love for me vanished entirely. It was as if I had never been his son. As though I'm unworthy of love."

Abhi: "No, Rohan, that's not true."

Rohan: "You're the only one I have left now. If you leave me like this, I might as well wither away."

Unable to hold back his emotions, Abhi embraced Rohan, and their lips met in a kiss filled with passion and longing. Tears welled up in their eyes, a shared sorrow of potentially losing one another.

In that profound moment of love and connection, when it felt like time had stopped, their lips met, and Abhi kisses Rohan's eyes, which had shed tears of love. Their hearts entwined as their love story was just beginning when an unexpected interruption broke the spell. Shanaya stood before them, her eyes brimming with tears and anger.

In that moment, Rohan and Abhi were completely unaware of the gravity of their mistake. It had slipped their minds that Shanaya was an integral part of Rohan's life, while Abhi and Rohan were merely the closest of friends. Abhi was the friend who had salvaged their friendship, and when Shanaya stumbled upon them in that intimate moment, it felt as if she had lost everything. She left, seething with anger, without uttering a word.

Abhi: "Shanaya, wait, please, Shanaya."

Rohan: "Shanaya, this isn't what it seems, Shanaya."

Shanaya: "Just be silent."

Abhi: "Shanaya, it's not Rohan's fault."

Shanaya: "You've revealed your true selves, both of you."

Rohan: "Shanaya, it wasn't as serious as it looked. It was a mistake."

Abhi: "A mistake."

Rohan: "Yes, a mistake, Abhi. It wasn't as significant. Shanaya, I'm sorry, please, hear me out."

Shanaya: "I should have never gotten involved with people like you. Abhi, you were my friend, and look at what you've done."

In a moment of frustration, Rohan said something he shouldn't have, attempting to save his relationship with Shanaya.

Abhi: "What do you mean by 'mistake'? Have we ever been together, you or me?"

Rohan: "You belong to no one, Abhi. There's nothing between us. Everyone you loved is gone – your Mom, Dad, Grandma, everyone! Shanaya is my girlfriend, i can't loss her."

Abhi: "Say one more word about my Mom or Dad, and I'll lose it. You couldn't even stay with your own parents. Enough with this charade of girlfriend-boyfriend. You've never truly loved her; you jump from one girl to another. You've no right to call her your girlfriend."

Rohan: "Don't lecture me about my rights. Shanaya is mine and mine alone."

Abhi: "Why don't you ask her then? Shanaya, do you love me? Are you only pretending with him, Shanaya?"

Shanaya: "What do either of you really know about me? About my feelings? Nothing. Neither of you truly cares to understand. I'm done with both of you. Enjoy your relationship. Everything ends between you and me, Rohan. Perhaps, I was in love with you, Abhi, but even that love is extinguished now."

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