Chapter 11

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Shanaya departed with a heart in pieces, tears streaming down her face after the tense encounter with Rohan. It wasn't just the betrayal that cut deep; it was the realization that the person he had betrayed her with was none other than Abhi. Her Feelings had started to bloom for Abhi after the wedding, but fate seemed to align itself with Rohan.

Despite Abhi's clear sexual orientation, Shanya clung to the hope of not losing Rohan at that moment. Witnessing Abhi and Rohan sharing a kiss shattered her beyond imagination.

Rohan, is a known flirt, especially with girls, but now found himself in a relationship with Abhi. College had been Shanya's hope for a lasting connection with Rohan, but destiny had its own script.

Desperate to salvage their shattered relationship, Rohan tried to justify his actions to Abhi

Abhi: “If you say one more word about my Mom or Dad, I will break your face…”

Rohan: “Shanya! Shanya! You are no one’s Abhi… No one’s… That’s why there’s no one for you… Everyone’s dead… Mom… Dad… Grandma… Everyone!”

In a burst of anger, Abhi struck Rohan, the marks of their altercation etched on Rohan's face. Blood stained his skin, and his clothes bore the signs of their clash. When he returned home, his mother noticed:

Rohan’s Mom: “What happened, Rohan?”

Rohan: “Nothing…”

Rohan’s Mom: “Nothing? You are bleeding…”

Rohan: "Nothing Ma... Nothing happened...Dad... Nothing happened..."

Ashok Nanda: "Look at yourself...You look like a street ruffian...Who did you fight with? Answer me..."

Rohan: "I told you I don't want to answer..."

Ashok Nanda: "You have to answer... It's my house...I have had it with your insolence...You don't speak properly at home....but at least keep my prestige intact outside..."

Rohan: "You haven't earned prestige Dad...Only money..."

Ashok Nanda: "And that's the money that helps you live your life..."

Ashok Nanda: "You only know two things...Waste money and shame me..."

Rohan: "What are you ashamed of, Dad? Of what? That I'm not like you...Not a Xerox copy like your elder son? That I don't want to be an industrialist and I want to be a musician?"

Ashok Nanda: "Yes... I'm ashamed...Very ashamed that my son has such middle-class dreams..."

Rohan: "Dreams don't have a class Dad...But that only a father would understand... Not a corrupt man!"

Rohan: "I don't want to live in your house...And I don't want to be your son..."

Ashok Nanda: "You have ceased to be my son..."

Rohan: "I was never your son..."

Rohan's Mom: "Ro..."

Rohan: "Not today Mom... When you have been silent for so many years...Don't say anything today as well!"

In Present

The room buzzed with shock as everyone processed the truth about Rohan and Abhi. Their relationship had taken an unexpected turn, leaving everyone bewildered.

Shruti: “What!”

Sudo: “What!”

Tanya: “No!”

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