Chapter 12

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After the intense dance competition, four out of the twelve students were eliminated. Now, these eight finalists were poised to compete in the triathlon, vying for the coveted title of Student Of The Year.

In the present,

Rohan stood outside the dean's office, eyes moist, anxiously checking his phone. Shanya, approached him.

Shanya: "Dean, dearly loved, you two, huh?"

Rohan: "I guess."

Shanya: "So, how's married life treating you?"

Rohan (shocked): "What? How do you even know I'm married?"

Shanya: "I see the ring mark on your finger. Probably took it off before coming here."

Rohan (chuckles): "Your observation skills have improved."

Shanya: "Well, ten years ago, I couldn't see what was right in front of my face. Improvement was necessary."

They shared a laugh.

Rohan: "So, you're not forgiving me, huh?"

Shanya: "Forgave you when the 'Student of the Year' competition ended. You apologized in front of everyone."

Rohan: "Then why didn't you meet me after that?"

Shanya: "Maybe I wasn't ready to accept the truth. After losing in the dance competition, my confidence was shattered. You both came to my house multiple times, but I wasn't ready to face it then."

Rohan: "I can understand. I hurt you and Abhi a lot in all of that."

Shanya: "Where is he?"

Rohan: "He's on his way. Just got a text from him."

In college days, at the campus,

Dean: "So, these are the extra expenses."

Ashok Nanda: "No, no, this is all sorted."

Abhi: "Good morning, sir."

Ashok: "Hi, Abhi. How are you?"

Abhi: "Good, sir."

Dean: "By the way, Abhi and Rohan are both in the top eight. The competition is tough; it's not easy."

Ashok Nanda: "I don't think so, Dean."

Dean: "You'll say that; Rohan is your son after all."

Ashok Nanda: "That's why I say the victory is Abhi's. My money is on him."

Both Dean and Abhi were shocked.

Ashok Nanda: "Let me know if you need any other help."

Dean: "Sure."

Ashok Nanda: "Good luck, Abhi."

Abhi was still angry with Rohan, but Ashok's unexpected support left him confused. It reminded him of the day when Rohan came to college drunk, and Abhi took care of him. Rohan kept saying, "I am not a failure, Dad," and then clung to Abhi, crying. Now he understood why Rohan had anger issues, but there was no time to dwell on it. Everyone was preparing for the final competition.

Finally, the day of the competition arrived. First, swimming, then cycling, and lastly, an 800-meter run.

Shanya, Tanya, and Sudo, having lost in the dance competition, were in the audience. On the field, Abhi, Rohan, Shruti, and Jeet were giving their all to win.

In both swimming and cycling, Abhi led, with Rohan close behind. Shruti and Jeet were competing against each other but were trailing.

The audience eagerly waited when suddenly, Abhi descended from his cycle. Rohan, now running just behind him.

Rohan and Abhi were in a neck-and-neck race, capturing everyone's attention. Then, unexpectedly, Abhi closed his eyes, and within seconds, the race concluded. Abhi, who had never been defeated by Rohan before, lost in the Student of the Year competition.

Rohan's face showed shock, and when Ashok Nanda saw Abhi losing, he was grieving.

After some time,

Dean: "Please welcome our winner, Rohan Nanda."

Rohan: "Thank you."

Dean: "Go have your speech."

Rohan: "There have been many exemplary students who have won this in twenty-five years. I don't mean to insult anyone, but I can't accept this trophy."

Dean and everyone at the ceremony were shocked.

Rohan: "I have my reasons, and I wanted to apologize. For my mistake, forgive me if possible. I wasn't pretending to be in love; but actually, I understood what love is in the last four years. Due to my insecurities, I lost both my friend and my love. I hope you can forgive me. Thank you."

A pin-drop silence followed, and then Sudo spoke up.

Sudo (drunk): "When you should clap, why aren't you guys clapping?"

Dean: "This kind of unruly behavior won’t be tolerated here. Get him out of here."

Sudo: "This Student Of the Year is your idea, right? Then you should get the award...For the most stupid idea."

Jeet and Dimpy tried to stop Sudo.

Sudo: "Just let me speak..."

Sudo: "This charade has been on for twenty-five years...And why? Because Dean Yogendra Vasisht has no entertainment in his life. He is alone, and so he wants to break our friendship. Your final episode is a hit! The friendships that were built over four years have been finished in 4 weeks! We hate each other!"

Guards came, and they took Sudo away. All the students, teachers, and parents started talking among themselves, and Dean left without saying anything. There was more sorrow than anger in his eyes, and after that day, he never came to the college. He didn't even attend the farewell.

In the present,

All the students were ready to meet the Dean, heading towards his room when suddenly,

Abhimanyu: "Hey, guys!"

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