chapter 1

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Usually your first love and first heartbreak are always memorable. However over time you get over them, but how do you get over your first love and heartbreak when you are stuck with them almost 24/7. Well this was the case for the two young actors Gemini and Fourth.

Gemini and Fourth got together shortly after the airing of their first leading series my school president, risking their three year long friendship. Everything was great, especially for Fourth who had a crush on the older for years. From the first moment Fourth laid his eyes on Gemini, he knew he was in love.

It was back in 2019 at the Thailand school star contest. Fourth never could figure out what attracted him to the older, perhaps it was his charming outgoing personality, his good looks. Fourth always thought that Gemini's good looks would put Greek gods to shame.

Maybe it was Gemini's voice, Fourth felt like Gemini's voice could be compared to  the cherubim and seraphim who sat by God's side singing the almighty praises, to put it simply, Gemini's voice was angelic.

When given a choice to choose his ship-partner, Fourth chose Gemini without any hesitation. Although he was advised to choose someone with more experience, someone who will guide him and assist him in reaching his full potential. Someone like Mark Pakin.

However Fourth insisted on having Gemini as his ship-partner. If he was going to have a love interest, then it had to be none other than Gemini. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had a crush on the older, but at least through this he can get to live his fantasy.

A fantasy as the one Gemini loved and cared for. He could at least be Gemini's lover, even if it was all fictional.

The directors and the seniors couldn't deny the chemistry the two emitted, so that's how GeminiFourth was born.

Fourth took every opportunity to flirt with Gemini, it didn't appear as weird since it could be seen as fan-service. Fourth felt like Gemini was oblivious to everything, little did he know that Gemini had grown a liking to him and not just as friends.

After filming Gemini would always drive Fourth home, usually their rides consisted of the two singing along to their favorite songs, and ended up with Fourth fast asleep and Gemini filming him.

During filming the two someone ended up cuddling or with Gemini clinging to Fourth. It wasn't unusual though because Gemini was usually clingy to those he was close to. What was unusual however were the kisses they shared in private, behind closed doors.

So naturally their relationship progressed from just friends to more than friends shortly after My school president aired.

It seemed like they took just being friendly to a whole new level.

When they were together, everything was amazing, it was electric. However with other people around Gemini couldn't hide his jealousy.

In multiple interviews Gemini had stated he was the possessive type if he were to be in a relationship, he gets jealous easily. Fourth was adored by many, he was adorable and people were instinctively drawn to him so naturally this fueled Gemini's jealousy.

Fourth was someone who loved skinship with his friends so that didn't help the jealousy situation. However Gemini was understanding, Fourth went to an all boys school after all. Gemini was okay with Fourth being affectionate with everyone or at least he tried to be. Except with one person.

Mark Pakin!

You have to understand Gemini's perspective though. This was the person who was meant to be in his place. Mark Pakin could have been Fourth's partner, he could've been the one that played Heart and the one that played Tinn. He could have been the one Fourth fell in love with him. The thought of it all caused Gemini's stomach to twist and turn.

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