chapter 3

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Gemini's 19th birthday was coming soon and a birthday celebration together with his fans was planned. Fourth would've dreaded going before but since him and Gemini were fixing things he was actually looking for it. He even went and bought him a gift.

Shoes. He thought that it would be something the older uses, and it wasn't too intimate. A gift among friends.

Earlier that day Fourth had a work schedule but planned to go to Gemini's birthday event together with some of the MSP gang along with Phuwin later that day. He was really looking forward to it and wondered if Gemini would be happy to see him.

The day went way too slow for Fourth's liking, he tried his best to concentrate on his work but he would be lying if he said that his mind wasn't occupied by a certain someone. As soon as he finished with his work he rushed to the mall to get the shoes he had pre-ordered to gift Gemini.

He met up with Phuwin and together they drove to the the venue where the birthday event was held.

"Hey Fourth, how are you? Will you be okay today?" Satang asked concerned, he knew after all the complicated situation between the two young actors.

"Yeah, we kind of talked things out. We are friends now." Fourth replied with a faint smile.

"And you are okay with it?" Satang asked still concerned.

"Yeah, I am happy we can get to still be friends." Fourth replied still smiling, a smile that never reached his eyes.

He wasn't happy being 'just friends' with Gemini, the boy was his first and probably only love. He couldn't picture himself loving anyone other than Gemini.

"I am glad to hear that. Remember big bro is here for you if you need anything." Satang said patting his head.

Fourth smiled and said "Thanks P'Tang."

P'Yui came and let the boys know that they can start coming out on her signal, she gave Fourth the cake as the boy was technically Gemini's official cake holder having held the cake for the boy 5 times already.

They all came out singing happy birthday with Fourth leading them with a cake in his hands. Gemini's face lit up at the sight of Fourth, it was like no one existed at that moment.

He had a slight idea that Fourth would show up, so it wasn't much of a surprise but seeing Fourth warmed his heart. Fourth looked so incredible, even though he was only in jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

The others made their birthday wishes, which Gemini was grateful for but he was looking forward to hearing Fourth's wishes to him. Despite having heard them for over 5 times now, but he still wanted to hear them. They mattered more.

"Gem... I wish you good health, and I wish you to be rich-"

"I am already rich." Gemini teasingly said cutting Fourth off.

"Oho! Okay I wish you to be happy and healthy always. I love you friend." Fourth replied with a genuine smile.

Gemini made a wish before he blew off the candle on the cake Fourth was holding. After they took a few pictures while interacting with Gemini's fans.

"I will have to leave you now friend, enjoy the rest of the event na." Fourth said, not wanting to divert attention from the birthday boy. It was Gemini's day and wanted all attention be on him, this wasn't a GeminiFourth event.

"Ao! So soon? Aren't you staying longer?" Gemini asked genuinely, for a second there he forgot that this was his solo event. All he wanted was to be with Fourth, with Fourth not by his side he felt strange and incomplete.

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