chapter 8

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Gemini was happy with his life, he truly was and he felt more than grateful with what he was given. However sometimes he hated being a public figure. He especially hated it now when he couldn't wrap his arms around Fourth's narrow waist and kiss the living hell out of him.

They were on their way to Japan for the MSP fanmeeting, for the second time and Fourth was staying painfully far away from him. Fourth reasoned because if he was near Gemini he couldn't keep his hands to himself, and honestly Gemini didn't blame him because he couldn't keep his hands to himself whenever he was near Fourth.

He couldn't help himself because Fourth was so pretty, like insanely pretty. Not only could he not keep his hands to himself but he couldn't keep his eyes from Fourth.

His life was so unfair, there he was having the world's prettiest boyfriend who had really soft skin, the prettiest pink lips and smelled like the sweetest flowers but he couldn't even sit with him on the flight to  Japan. However Gemini could hold on because he would be sharing a room with Fourth and he would get to touch him all he wanted, also inhale as much of Fourth's sweet flowery scent to last him a life time.

Except it turns out that Fourth would be sharing a room with Satang and Mark, the Bro-gang.

Fuck the bro-gang (okay not really because he loved Satang and Mark because they were really great friends and his seniors) But fuck the bro-gang because he doesn't get to room with his nong'fotfot.

Rooming with Winny and Prom wasn't bad but they weren't Fourth, they didn't have pretty pouty pink lips he wanted to kiss, they didn't have skin that was smooth as if they had bathed in milk and honey he wanted to touch, they also didn't have the sweet flowery scent that only Fourth had that he wanted to inhale.

During rehearsals he was all over Fourth though, the other members probably thought they were being weird. Or not because him and Fourth were always pretty touchy and Gemini was always clingy, at least when it came to Fourth.

It was not a surprise that videos of his gaze stuck on Fourth circulated around social media because he literally couldn't keep his eyes off Fourth. The boy was like a flame drawing him in, and he was a mere moth drawn to the flame that was Fourth. Also he was just a boy in love, and he was devastatingly in love with Fourth.

And Fourth made it so easy to be in love with, Fourth took really good care of him. He would always make sure all his meals were balanced with a vegetable or two, he always opened all water bottles for him because somehow he still found it difficult to do it so, at least when he was around Fourth. It also helped that Fourth gave the best kisses ever.

Seriously Fourth's kisses were out of this world amazing, they were all warm and soft and left him lightheaded. Fourth's touch burned his skin like every touch was a brand on his skin.

So when their manager told them they had a free day to explore Japan he was excited to explore Japan with Fourth, only for Fourth to end up with the bro-gang. Seriously!!! Fuck the bro-gang(not really because he loves them)

Fourth did give him a lot of kisses and promised to make him feel good later so he ended up enjoying his time with Winny and Prom. Also Fourth looked absolutely adorable in that hair band, he doesn't think he could be more in love because everytime he checked social media he could see cute updates of Fourth from the bro-gang( did he mention how much he loves them? Because he does) because his baby never updated anything, which was a damn shame.

He also low-key loved it because it meant he got to keep all Fourth's cuteness to himself. He did occasionally share some of Fourth's cuteness with the world because he believed that Fourth's cuteness could cure depression (it should be studied)

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