chapter 7

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The days following the night Gemini confessed his feelings were rather confusing to him. Fourth was receptive of his flirtings in private but kept a distance from him whenever they were in public or around others, it sometimes felt like he was avoiding him.

Gemini even noticed that the younger even deleted the birthday insta post that he dedicated for him, the more he looked at things the older noticed that Fourth deleted most of the posts where they are mostly together. It was not only confusing but frustrating because he didn't understand if he did something wrong.

While they were waiting for one of their live event with P'Godji, Gemini decided to take this opportunity to clear things with Fourth. Their make up artist had exited the room leaving just the two of them.

"Fotfot." Gemini called out to the younger beckoning him to take a sit next to him on the couch.

Fourth looked around the room, only to discover it was just the two of them. With a smile he slowly approached Gemini and sat on his lap leaving Gemini confused.

Fourth was so cold towards him the entire morning not even sparing him a glance, but now here he was sitting practically on top of him.  Gemini couldn't understand what game Fourth was playing but he didn't like it one bit.

He has always been someone that was transparent with his feelings and he wanted Fourth to be as well if they're going to make their relationship work.

"Fot what's going on?" Gemini asked the younger who now had his around his neck looking at him with those honey glazed eyes that made his knees weak.

"Nothing much, what's going on with you?" Fourth replied with a smile, a smile so beautiful it took Gemini's breath away.

"I am serious Fot. You have been acting strange lately, did I do something wrong?" Gemini asked, he had his arms around Fourth's waist. Holding on to the boy just in case Fourth would try to literally run away from the situation.

"No no! Why would you think you did anything wrong?" Fourth asked with his tone of voice so soft it made Gemini melt,his one hand now caressing Gemini's face. His touch was careful, soft and gentle. Gemini could feel the love and adoration Fourth had for him at that moment, those brown eyes that pierced right through his soul.

Gemini could tell that Fourth cared for him deeply. So why was he acting the way he was?

"Well because you been acting weird lately." Gemini replied, instead of replying Fourth cupped Gemini's face and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"You thinking too much, it's nothing." Fourth replied and gave Gemini a peck on the lips before he got up from Gemini's lap.

Gemini's eyes narrowed at the younger with a mischievous smirk formung on his lips, Fourth wasn't going to get away from him that easily. Then he extended his hand. Unthinkingly Fourth reached for it to help pull him up. But as soon as their skin touched Gemini clasped his fingers around Fourth's and pulled, and the younger landed on his chest with a thump.

"Gem!" Fourth exclaimed but Gemini gave him him a charming smile, making Fourth glare at him.

“Stop Gem someone might catch us." Fourth said looking at the door to ensure that it was closed.

"So what?" Gemini replied nonchalantly and wrapped his arms around the younger.

"If you don't let me go, I will punch you." Fourth warned teasingly. Truth was he loved being held by Gemini, he loved the warmth and closeness.

“If you must,” Gemini said sufferingly.

“I really will!” Fourth said trying to come across as serious as possible. He failed miserably as a smile crept across his lips.

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