chapter 10

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Fourth was sharing a room with Nanon during the LOL concert. He understood that Nanon and Ohm were going through a thing, he was truly sympathetic about the whole situation but he really missed waking up to Gemini. He missed falling asleep in Gemini's arms and in general he missed Gemini.

Of course one would wonder how can he miss Gemini when they are literally in a concert together but that's because they are always occupied with other people. Gemini was with Ohm, Dunk, Joong and the others whereas Fourth was with Nanon, Pond, Phuwin and the others.

Sometimes Fourth wished that him and Gemini where like First and Khaotung, attached to the hip and basically inseparable.

After the second night of the concert Fourth couldn't take it anymore. He needed to be with Gemini, needed to touch him, kiss him and just do all sorts of things to him.

As the other gathered around the dining table having pleasant conversation. Fourth pulled Gemini away from everyone. He knew it would take a while before the others called it a night, they were thriving off the adrenaline rush that was the concert.

"Come with me." Fourth whispers tugging on Gemini's wrist.

"Where are we going?" Gemini asks allowing himself to be pulled whatever direction Fourth wished.

"To my room. I need to kiss you." Fourth replies in a whisper.

When they get to the room Fourth kisses him hot and filthy, tongue sliding in and curling around Gemini's, tracing the back of the older's teeth.

Gemini was definetly on board with whatever this was going and with the way he licked inside Fourth's mouth with fervour, he intended on letting him know.

"Take this off." Gemini demands off him tugging on the neckline of his red tee.

Gemini fully prepared to be settled down is surprised when Fourth simply holds him with one arm and pulls his t-shirt out with the other. He knew Fourth had insane arm strength but just the image of how insane it was, and the whole action makes his dick twitch. Turned on beyond relief. Gemini holds on to one of Fourth's biceps and lets his other hand draw random designs on Fourth's chest. He traces around the suttle curve of a peck, down the shadow of Fourth's sternum, and along the top rib of his abs. He then traces the pad of his finger over a dark nipple and watched as it brightened under his touch.

"Fuck me..." Gemini blurts out, pulling himself flush against Fourth with arms around his neck. "I want to feel you inside me all the way to next week."

With a yelp Gemini can feel himself be carried all the way to the hotel bed where he is gently deposited on soft sheets and pillows that smelled of lavender . Fourth's arm strength is no joke. Gemini watched as Fourth hover above him, an pillar of strength and gorgeousness.

Gemini whines when Fourth sets a knee between his legs, leaning over him to run a hand up underneath his shirt. Gemini knows he should be helpful, should sit up and let Fourth rid of the clothing but his mouth betrays his true desires.

"Rip it off Fot, honestly just rip it the fuck off."

And Fourth does.

Gemini has plenty of T-shirts so the loss of this particular one is of no importance to him. In fact it died an honourable death in the perfect hands of his perfect boyfriend.

"I didn't think today was going to play out like this." Gemini admits, voice pitching at the end of the sentence as Fourth plants hands on either side of Gemini's head. With a cheeky grin, Fourth dips down to suck a bruise on Gemini's clavicle, and all thoughts fly out of Gemini's brain.

Dazed, Gemini allows every part of his torso to be mapped out by his boyfriend, until every inch has been graced by Fourth's lips. He provides encouragement in the form of head pats, fingers slipped amongst the strands, and stroking absent-mindedly Fourth's scalp.

A drag of teeth is the only warning Gemini gets before the button of his jeans are unbottened and shoved down his thighs. His underwear follows suit and it isn't long until Gemini is spread out on Fourth's hotel bed, as naked as the day he was born.

Gemini watched through lidded eyes as Fourth drinks in the sight of him, from the slight curve of his foot, to his long pale legs, past where his cock lies flush and heavy against his hip. Gemini knows he is attractive. People have told him he is attractive, but the sheer appreciation he sees reflected in Fourth's eyes is a whole new level of validation he never knew he needed.

"Don't just look." Gemini mumbles, fighting the urge to cover his face.

"Gem..." Fourth pushes Gemini's legs further apart and settles between them. Gemini watches the hand that is dangerously close to his dick and reminds himself to breathe.


Fourth rises up onto his knees like a predator ready to pounce, eyes bright with intent as he moves back up Gemini's body. They meet halfway, Fourth cradling Gemini's head to take the strain of his neck as they kiss, open-mouthed and wet.

Gemini was about to lose himself in it when Fourth pulls away, a thumb swiping along his lips to collect the thin sheen of saliva there. That very thumbs lowers to brush against a nipple and Gemini sighs shakily, to Fourth's evident pleasure.



"Let me eat you out."

A shiver rolls around his body and Gemini cannot agree fast enough.

"Fuck yes! Yes Fot eat me out, make me wet for you.... fuck."

Gemini breaks off into a moan when hands smooth down the side of his thighs. Fourth manhandles him like a doll, flipping him onto his front with ease. A tug in his hips and Gemini adjust himself on his knees, cock hanging heavy between his legs, a thin line of pre-cum hitting the sheets. He arches, instinctive and blushes when Fourth praises the sensual curve of his back.

Already half delirious, Gemini cluches a pillow and buries his face in it to hide his flush and any future embarrassing noises that might come out of his mouth. Behind, Fourth's touch is warm around his ass, thumbs settling into the valley before tugging the cheeks apart. A finger skates around his hole and Gemini keens, feeling himself flutter open and close at the touch.

"Gem..." Fourth's says, voice thick and rough with arousal. Gemini can feel Fourth's breath against his skin. Fuck he is so close!

The first slide of Fourth's tongue on his entrance is enough to coax a full bodied sob from Gemini. It starts of slow, almost gentle, each broad swipe easing Gemini into the simmering pleasure.

"So nice." Gemini thinks hazily and hums into the pillow.

Just as he was about to relax completely into the sensation, however , Fourth's mouth seals around his hole and sucks. Gemini squeals and feels his dick jump releasing out another slick of pearl. He feels Fourth's hands immediately clamp around his hips. Try as he might. Gemini cannot move an inch.

"Fot.... fuck .. oh, Fot."

Fourth sets a rhythm alternating between licks and bursts of suction until Gemini feels tears wetting the pillow case. He is dripping with it, able to feel a line of saliva trail down the heft of his balls.

When Fourth fucks into him with the tip of his tongue, Gemini comes untouched with the cry of his name.

TBC..... 🌻🌞🌻🌞

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