chapter 5

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Fourth excused himself from Gemini, he couldn't handle being around the older. Especially when Gemini was being this sweet and considerate, Gemini even went of IG live again to let his fans know that he was fine and just had a chipped tooth.

"Thank you for all the birthday wishes... bye everyone." Gemini said waving goodbye to his fans before he ended the live.

"Are you okay?" Phuwin asked looking at Gemini's sullen mood.

"Yeah just tired, but I don't want to go to sleep now." Gemini replied plummeting his body on the couch.

"Is it because you have to share a bed with Fourth?" Phuwin asked, settling himself next to Gemini on the couch.

"It's not that, I am not angry with Fourth for what happened. It was just an accident, Fourth would never intentionally harm me." Gemini replied scrolling through his phone.

"I know about what happened between you guys. I accidentally heard Fourth cry about it." Phuwin said, he didn't want to beat around the bush. It was probably none of his business but he wanted to help them.

Gemini and Fourth were helpless!

Gemini was his beloved twin friend and Fourth was just so precious to him, so he hated seeing them in this state. Seeing Fourth cry was probably one of the worst feelings he had experienced so far.

"Fourth was crying? And it was because of me?" Gemini replied, suddenly his chest felt heavy. The thought of Fourth crying because of him gave him a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I don't think it was because of you. It was because of what happened." Phuwin stated, but that didn't make Gemini feel any better. Fourth was crying and he was somehow involved.

"Fourth and I are just friends Phi." Gemini replied, but somehow not even he believed the words that came out of his mouth.

"Gem... friends don't look at each other the way you two look at each other." Phuwin said making Gemini frown.

"I don't know what you mean phi." Gemini replied, he thought to himself the more he emphasized the fact that him and Fourth were just friends maybe he can believe it.

Phuwin sighed and said "You look at Fourth like he is the best thing since sliced bread. When Fourth is around everyone and everything is invisible to you."

Gemini kept quiet, he couldn't really dispute what the older said. He knew it was all true, whenever he was around Fourth his eyes always lingered on the younger.

Fourth was a like strong magnetic force that pulled him in which brute force.

The next morning Gemini woke up around noon, he was not only exhausted but starving. He walked to the kitchen half-awake hoping to find something to eat, maybe one of the instant noodles Fourth and Phuwin bought.

"Hungry?" Fourth said chuckling. He looked so much better, the swelling in his eyes had subsided, the redness in his eyes had disappeared leaving his honey-glazed brown eyes sparkling.

"Mmmh" Gemini groaned making Fourth chuckle.

"Let me make you some instant noodles." Fourth said and Gemini nodded leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Did you sleep well?" Fourth asked, his voice sounding cheerful.

"Yeah basically passed out." Gemini replied his voice deep, low and hoarse. Fourth laughed, mostly due to nervousness. Gemini's morning voice always made him feel some type of way, a good type way.

"Why are you laughing?" Gemini asked his voice somehow deeper and Fourth shook his head.

"Tell me." Gemini said now standing directly behind Fourth, sending shivers down the younger's spine.

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