chapter 9

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Fourth often came across as cute. It was his image. He was nong'fotfot who had 'mommies' all over the world. A poster child for cuteness. Fourth was also a hot dominant guy with a filthy mind that only Gemini was privileged to.

Fourth would sometimes whisper things to him that made him flustered and his knees weak. Fourth was the type to take charge in the bedroom, and Gemini loved it. This side of Fourth was for Gemini and Gemini only.

Fourth was also very possessive and jealous, a clear contrast of his public image. Gemini loved it when Fourth would get all worked up in public and couldn't do a thing about it because, unlike Gemini, who wore his heart on his sleeves. Fourth was very composed, calculative, and careful about his public image.

So when they were preparing for the LOL concert, Gemini would take this opportunity to rile up his boyfriend. He would be extra clingy to his phi's. For instance, he would allow Ohm to be all clingy with him like the golden retriever he was, which he knew Fourth hated. He would allow Dunk to give him back hugs and cheek kisses because somehow Dunk found him adorable. This fourth was also hated.

Gemini would also deliberately ignore Fourth, as much as it pained him. He knew it would be perfect to get Fourth all worked up. He just really liked it when Fourth would lose his composure a bit.

So, on one evening during a practice break, Gemini found himself cuddling with P'First on the wooden floor. He could feel Fourth's burning gaze on him, and his insides flipped. He got all excited when he saw how dark Fourth's eyes had turned. Of course, most people didn't notice, but Gemini did. He always did and that look on his boyfriend was sexy as fuck.

That's how he found himself pinned against the bathroom wall. Fourth also happened to be really strong, like insanely strong, which was also one of the things absolutely loved about his boyfriend.

"You doing this on purpose aren't you?" Fourth says gripping tightly on Gemini's hips.

"Doing what?" Gemini replies, his boba eyes on full display. Feigning innocence.

"You are trying to make me jealous." Fourth says parting Gemini's legs apart with his knee.

"Trying?" Gemini replies with an innocent smile.

"You know exactly what you are doing..." Fourth's voice was low and husky just the way Gemini loved it and heat pooled in his stomach, while blood rushed to his now half-hard cock.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Gemini's reply was soft, his eyes trained on Fourth's lips that was pink and spit-coated.

"You are being a bad boy nong' Methun." Fourth said his pink tongue coating his lips leaving them wet and glistening. Making Gemini to subconsciously follow the action.

"What are you going to do about it, P'Sì?" Gemini asked not so innocently.

"Just you wait till we get home." Fourth said and gave Gemini a passionate, tongue filled kiss leaving the older breathless.

The rest of practice was hard for Gemini, his mind filled with all the possibilities of what Fourth was going to do to him. The mere thought of everything giving him goosebumps and shivers down his spine.

Fourth looked unbothered, a picture of innocence being doted upon by their seniors. Fourth had the audacity to look composed as if he didn't just threatened to wreck Gemini's world.

"What's with you?" Is a question asked by Mark when he came into the practice studio were everyone was taking a break.

Gemini doesn't know how to answer the question but instead flushes red. The only 3 functional brain cells are not capable of having a coherent with anyone let alone Mark at the moment.

"What?" Is all he was able to say.

"You keep looking at him like you want to devour him. If you are trying to keep it lowkey you are doing a terrible job at it." Mark said with a hint of teasing and amusement in his voice.

Gemini cannot argue with that, although knowing Fourth he is probably the one who is going to be devoured by the younger.

"I have no idea what you are talking about P'Mark." Gemini answered and Mark gives him a knowing smile.

Gemini doesn't regain any of his brain cells because Fourth was now left in his tank top, the black one that hugs his torso nicely leaving little to Gemini's imagination.


Fourth drives them to his apartment using Gemini's car because he didn't come with his own that day deciding to use grab instead. The image of Fourth driving is hot, there's something about Fourth concentrating on the road, his body relaxed and confident that is attractive.

They are at Fourth's condo parking lot when Gemini reached for Fourth, putting his  warm hand on the back of Fourth's neck, touching his lips to his. They kissed, first lightly, then more urgently, Fourth’s tongue in his mouth, Gemini's hips tilted against his, chest against chest, Gemini's whole body sending a message that was undeniable.

"Let's go up." Gemini said slightly out of breath and Fourth nods.

As soon as Fourth's front door was shut they started kissing again. Gemini's tongue fluttered against Fourth's, and Fourth's hands were deep in the softness of Gemini's hair, and it was like time unspooled, carrying them right back to when they were just beginning their relationship.

Fourth pulled Gemini against him, thinking that he'd never get him close enough, that if he could fold Gemini inside of him, like a mother tucking a baby into her coat, he'd do it. He'd keep Gemini warm, he'd keep him safe, he'd keep Gemini with him, always.

Taking Gemini's hand, Fourth led him to his bedroom. Gemini nibbled at his chin, his ear, touching his face with his fingertips, sighing, whispering, "You feel so good." Once, he pushed Fourth back, propped himself onto his elbows.

Fourth felt Gemini slip down the bed. Gemini unfastened his pants, eased his briefs over his hips, and brushed the length of his cock with his palm before taking him in his mouth. Fourth sighed, eyes shut, thinking about how unbelievably good it felt, when Gemini gave a throaty moan, then rolled his mouth from base to tip and whispered, "Look at me."

He looked and saw that Gemini had his eyes open, locked on his, as he opened his mouth, hollowed his cheeks, and slid all the way down.  Gemini looked so pretty.

"You look so pretty." Fourth said with his voice low and husky, eyes dark with lust.

Gemini made a sound that made Fourth to almost lose his mind, his dick twitching inside the mouth of his lover.

Gemini worked him good to a point he came undone in the older's mouth.

Now Fourth and Gemini haven't really tried to do anything other than the occasional blow jobs and hand jobs but tonight just might be that night. Everything is so passionate, and it just feels right.

Fourth pulls Gemini up for a kiss, his tongue invading the older's. Fourth could taste himself as his tongue swirled in Gemini's mouth. Flush against each other, naked. Hands exploring every contour of each other's body.

"Should we... I mean." Fourth begins, breathing heavily.

"Should we what?" Gemini asked rolling over so that he was no longer lying on top of his boyfriend.

"Should we talk about who's going to top because if I am going to bottom... I really haven't tried- I haven't done much exploring with my body that is." Fourth coloured red, feeling the blush cover every part of his bare skin.

"I really haven't tried either." Gemini confessed with a chuckle. He took a deep breath and said " Fotfot this isn't a BL drama. The trope of one guy always being the penetrator aka 'the man in the relationship' and the other the penetree aka 'the woman in the relationship' is bullshit. We are both men. If I wanted a girlfriend or a feminine presenting boyfriend I wouldn't have fallen in love with you. We get to decide how proceed with our relationship. We get to decide what forms of intimacy we use. I think we should try different things and find out what we like and what we don't. If it happens that we prefer one of us to top then-"

Fourth shut Gemini up with a kiss. And a hand that wandered down hills and valleys of a taunt stomach to slide under an elastic  band to boldly cup the straining flesh hidden under cotton.

XOXO 🌻🌞🤟❤️💕

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