chapter 6

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It was the last day of their work vacation and the group had just finished filming. They decided to have a pool party much to Tay's disapproval, the older just wanted to have some beauty sleep but he was out voted.

Fourth was hanging out mostly with Phuwin and Pond, whereas Gemini was chilling with Perth and Chimon. Although they decided to work on their friendship, it was evident they were actively avoiding each other.

Gemini couldn't help but steal glances at Fourth whenever he had the chance.

"So how are things between you and my twin?" Phuwin asked Fourth curiously.

"We are good, after the Dr Tony event I feel like we are going back to the good old days." Fourth replied chugging the last of his drink.

"Can you honestly go back to the 'good old days' after everything you guys went through?" Phuwin asked, he was skeptical because from his observations it seemed unlikely that the two can ever just be friends. Not from the way they look at each other.

"Yeah why not? We were friends first before we complicated things." Fourth replied, trying to come across as nonchalant as possible.

"I don't know but from what I've seen Gemini has been looking at you and you alone. So maybe he doesn't want to be friends." Phuwin said quickly glancing at Gemini before he looked at Fourth again.

Fourth turned to look at Gemini only to find the older looking at him. They held each other's gaze for a while before Fourth looked away much to Gemini's dismay.

"See what I mean?" Phuwin commented looking at the younger with a knowing look.

"No I don't know what you mean. We are just friends and friends only." Fourth firmly said, it was like he was trying to convince himself rather than Phuwin.

"If you say so friend." Phuwin replied, deciding to drop the topic when Pond rejoined them.

The entire evening Gemini and Fourth tried to not interact with each other if it was not necessary and if they did interact they ensured that someone was always around.

Gemini wanted to desperately talk to Fourth alone just like they used. They would always end up lost in their world joking around and sharing jokes only they understood.

Feeling dejected Gemini did the one thing he knew would make him feel better, and that was drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

"Slow down Gem." Pond warned the younger but Gemini shrugged and chugged another can of beer.

The more Fourth ignored him, the more he drank.

He was close to blacking out at this point and his speech was slurring. All he wanted was Fourth, his Fourth.

No one and nothing mattered expect Fourth.

Searching throughout the house he found the younger in the bedroom they shared with Pond and Phuwin.

"Fotfot." Gemini called out to the younger, he was barely able to stand on his own two feet.

"Gem..." Fourth replied hurrying to hold Gemini before he fell and seriously hurt himself.

Gemini wrapped his arms around Fourth's neck, resting all his body weight on the younger.

"You are so heavy." Fourth complained as he dragged Gemini to the bed.

"I-I am sorry Fourth *hic* I- I miss you." Gemini said with his speech slurring.

"What are you talking about? You're just drunk." Fourth said looking at the drunk Gemini lying next to him.

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