chapter 2

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After the fanmeet they had a day off to roam around and explore the streets of Japan, true to his words Satang remained by Fourth's side. So together with Ford they woke up early that morning to explore Japan and experience the culture there.

And what better way to explore and experience the culture there than with food. So they explored the streets of Japan enjoying the street food, going to tourist attraction spots and even went to a carnival where they ended up going up on the ferris-wheel.

Later on in the evening Fourth was still surrounded by Satang and Mark. If not he was not with "the bros", he would be with Joong and Dunk, who were there for their own fanmeet there. To summarize the situation Gemini couldn't get not even a minute alone with Fourth.

Not having seen Fourth the whole day, the boy grew irritable. His head filled with questions as to where Fourth went? Who was he with and what did he do? Growing more irritable seeing Fourth interact with everyone except him, he started drinking. Not to get drunk, just to calm his nerves.

He knew he had no reason to feel jealous. Him and Fourth were not in a relationship anymore, they were barely friends at this point.

So Gemini pulled Satang aside, maybe the alcohol had gone to his head.

"What did you guys go to today?" Gemini asked, trying to seem chill and nonchalant.

"We went out to eat, and went to the carnival." Satang replied.

"Mmmh." Gemini replied nodding.

"Why do you ask?" Satang asked with his eyebrows knotted.

"Just curious." Gemini replied and Satang nodded, still feeling suspicious.

"Who did you guys go with?" Gemini asked again, still maintaining his nonchalant demeanor.

"It was just Fourth, Ford and I." Satang replied eyeing Gemini suspiciously.

"Mmmh." Gemini replied and chugged the rest of the beer he was drinking.

"Why do you ask?" Satang asked suspiciously.

"Just curious that's all. I am going to get another drink." Gemini said showing Satang his empty glass.

"Gem..." Satang called out to the boy. He knew Gemini is also hurting, just because Fourth was more expressive compared to him doesn't mean he wasn't hurting. Gemini was also his friend, his junior and he felt the need to render him the same amount of support.

"Yes phi?" Gemini asked with raised eyebrows. He tried his out most best to remain calm and nonchalant. He shouldn't wear his emotions on his sleeves.

"Are you okay?" Satang asked softly, genuinely concerned.

"Of course phi. Why wouldn't I be?" Gemini said smiling.

"Okay as long as you're okay. If you need someone to talk to I am here for you." Satang said honestly and Gemini nodded.

Satang went back to his position next to Fourth and somehow Gemini ended up sitted next to him. It was a difficult position to be in but he had to remain neutral, for his juniors.

Gemini took out his phone filming everyone, but most importantly he was filming Fourth. He longed for Fourth, longed for his scent and his touch.


Gemini posted on his story, a 30 seconds video of Satang and Fourth sitted next to each other.

Gemini was borderline drunk at this point. Now one thing that Gemini was when he was intoxicated was that he was clingy, more importantly he was clingy to one person and one person only. Fourth.

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