𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 1

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As there eyes fluttered open, they found themselves surrounded by a vibrant forest, filled with a kaleidoscope of flowers. Blinking against the blur, they felt a throbbing headache pierce through there skull, causing me to groan in pain. Attempting to lift there limbs, they discovered there muscles were weak and unsteady, causing them to collapse back onto the ground.

Inhaling deeply, they closed there eyes for a moment, seeking to regain there composure before opening them once more. Gradually, there vision cleared, revealing a vast expanse of blue sky above me. Determined to find answers, they slowly pushed themselves into a sitting position, there disheveled hair falling around there face.

Taking in the surroundings, they realized with frustration that they had no idea where they was.

Gathering there strength, they reached for a bag that lay nearby, the touch of familiarity grounding them amidst the confusion. As they struggled to stand, there body still weak from the ordeal, they couldn't help but feel a sense of disorientation. Searching for any trace of the portal that had brought them here, they found nothing but the serene surroundings of the forest.

Pulling out there phone, they hoped to find some signal to call for help, but to they dismay, there was no reception at all. A surge of anxiety radiated through them as they realized the extent of there isolation.

Yet, deep within them, a flicker of determination emerged, refusing to succumb to fear. There was no turning back now they was set on unraveling the mysteries of this enigmatic place.

"I can't believe this happening to me. Not like this!" they groaned, grabbing there hair in frustration as they sigh deeply. There eyes scanned the massive forest as they thought for a moment, the wind blew across the nature.

They walked cautiously, stepping over fallen branches and maneuvering through the dense undergrowth. The silence of the forest was deafening, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the eerie hooting of an owl.

As they ventured further into the unknown, a sense of unease crept over them. The strange flowers seemed to watch them as they passed, their vivid colors and unusual shapes giving off an otherworldly aura. The birds, with their vibrant plumage, moved in a mesmerizing dance above them, their unique features captivating yet unsettling.

Despite them growing fear, curiosity propelled them forward. With each step, the path became less defined, the trees closing in around them, making them feel smaller and more vulnerable.

they walked deeper into the forest, a sense of tranquility wrapped around them like a gentle breeze. The dappled sunlight danced through the foliage above, casting enchanting patterns on the forest floor. But amidst the serenity, their mind wandered back to the time they first stumbled into this mystical realm.

A shiver ran down their spine as they recalled the awe-inspiring portal that had transported them from the mundane world they once knew. They remembered how they had been drawn to its ethereal glow, they had traversed the threshold, leaving behind everything familiar

They abruptly halted in their tracks, realization washing over them like a chilling wave. They scanned their surroundings, their keen eyes absorbing every detail. This was not their old world anymore; it was a place teeming with the uncanny, a realm where "un-human" creatures dwelled.

Fear began to grip their heart, its icy tendrils spreading throughout their body. Panic welled up inside them, for they had no idea how to interact with these otherworldly beings. The mere thought of encountering them sent a surge of trepidation coursing through their veins.

There mind raced, desperately searching for a way to handle this unnerving situation.

'Should I hide and observe from afar? Or should I try to communicate, hoping the "un-human" inhabitants of the realm possessed a shred of understanding for my presence?'

With each passing second, their indecisiveness grew. The realization that humans and the "un-human" were no longer allies, but instead potential foes, gnawed at their mind. A sense of unease settled upon them, for they knew they would have to tread carefully to navigate this unfamiliar territory.

As the weight of uncertainty bore down upon them, the person found their hand instinctively reaching up to grip their head. Anxiety overwhelmed them, their thoughts spinning like a whirlwind.

'What if I made a misstep? What if I couldn't find a way back to the world I had left behind?!'

Taking a deep breath, they steeled themselves to face the unknown. They had entered this realm through their own volition, and they would face the consequences head-on. With their heart pounding, they continued their journey, their footsteps echoing through the forest.

"I just want a vocation!" There voice echoes through the forest

They trudged through the dense forest, unease lingered in their mind. Each step they took seemed to amplify their worries, intensifying the sense of isolation and uncertainty that hung heavily in the air. It felt as though the trees whispered ancient secrets, and invisible eyes watched their every move. Yet, hope flickered within their heart, refusing to be extinguished by the overwhelming darkness surrounding them.

And then, as if a mirage formed within the thick foliage, a soft glow caught their attention. It emanated from somewhere not too far off, piercing through the encroaching shadows like a beacon of salvation. Eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and anticipation, they knew they had stumbled upon a potential escape from the labyrinthine forest that held them captive. Their heart began to race, thudding in their chest like a drumbeat of anxious, urging them to move toward the light.

With newfound energy, they hastened their pace. Every step propelled them closer to the source of illumination, as if fate itself had orchestrated this encounter. As they entered the glow, a brilliant brightness greeted their eyes, causing them to squint and shield their gaze from the radiance.

When their pupils adjusted to the shimmering light, an extraordinary sight unfolded before them. A vast city sprawled across the horizon, resembling the architectural style of the 18th or 19th century. It was as if they had stumbled upon a portal to the past...a time of cobblestone streets, towering structures, and horse-drawn carriages. The air buzzing with an unfamiliar energy, the person felt a curious mix of awe and nostalgia wash over them.

"Oh woah..."

Intrigued by their surroundings, they stepped forward, allowing themselves to be completely enveloped by the ambiance of the bygone era. The sights and sounds of the city sent their senses into overdrive, transporting them through time and space. Every corner revealed a new marvel, be it elaborate storefronts, bustling markets, or grandeur-filled ballrooms.

It was in this city of yesteryears that the person rediscovered their sense of wonder, temporarily detaching from the worries and anxieties of the present.

With their heart still pounding from the exhilaration of discovering the city, there gaze shifted cautiously towards the path ahead. The allure of the city outweighed their instincts, and with a firm resolve, they tucked their chin into their chest and pulled the hood of their jacket up, casting a shadow over their face.

'hiding like a pussy...'

Adopting an air of anonymity, they stepped forward cautiously, their footsteps light and deliberate. Each movement was accompanied by a surge of adrenaline, fueled by the unknown and the need to maintain their hidden identity. It became a shield, hiding them from prying eyes

Eyes narrowing, they scanned their surroundings, hyperaware of any signs of danger.

Through the winding path obscured by shadows, they trudged on, their eyes glued to the flickering light growing steadily brighter in the distance. The city, a final destination that seemed both miraculous and uncertain, acted as a guiding star for their weary soul. It pulled them forward, dissolving their fears with its promise of civilization

As they immersed themselves in the city's charm, the person couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the "un-human" realm.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐮 | 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒔 [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now