𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 3

544 36 39

There scream echoes across the city. They were running for there life, pushing anything and anyone out of there way as they fled from the un-human chasing them down the rock road.

They stumbled and fell, crashing into an old garbage bin before picking themselves back up and continuing to run. There breathing was heavy and heart was pounding in there chest as they raced towards the alleyway in an attempt to escape. However, they were stopped by one of the people who tried to tickle them.

They fought back, punching him in the face before racing past him. There necklace glinted in the sunlight, causing the person's eyes to widen in shock as they tried to reach them. The sudden distraction gave them the chance to flee from the pursuer.

Finally, they found a small, empty spot to lean behind, hoping that they would be able to catch there breath and hide from the un-human at the same time. Suddenly, they felt someone grab there from behind, and a hand covered there mouth. They tried to scream, but it was too late.

Before they knew it, they were dragged into a small room by there captor. The room was dark and smelly, and they could barely see anything. Suddenly, a voice whispered in there ear, sending shivers down there spine

"Hush now, I'm here to keep you safe." A male voice said

They didn't know what to do, but they realized they had no other choice. So they stayed quiet and waited, there heart racing in there chest, as the person continued to hold them close. The people footsteps passed there hiding spot, still trying to chase them down

There exhale softly by there nose feeling a bit relief after knowing they're safe for a moment. After what felt like hours, the person released them. They glance up towards the person who saved them

"I think it's safe for now" he said

Only to see a damn house. A talking house. With humanoid shape.

There eyes widen at the sight, quickly the person shut there mouth again with his massive hand prevent them to make any sound "seriously just don't" he warned

They nodded rather quickly putting there hands up in a surrender manner. The house looking man release them once again with a sigh before relaxing his shoulder "why are you helping me?" They said confusedly yet grateful

He shook his head, they aren't sure if he could make any expression since basically he is a damn house "I just did what I should do" he said

The silence was awkward for a mere second before they speak "Are you a house?

He raised his weird eyebrows "um yes and you're a human"

"Well, yeah. But you're a house"

"Is there something wrong with that? If you didn't mind I ask"

"I never met a talking house before"

Before he could reply, a loud banging from outside of the room as the voice of the people demand the door to open. Quickly he get up from the dirty ground, they realized how tall is this house looking man

"Come on, it seems they get suspicious" he whispered, signalling his head to go the other way. They were unsure if they could trust this men but seeing how willingly he wanted to help they knew they were safe.

They darted into the from alleyway, hoping to find a shortcut to get out of the area. As they ran out of the alley they met another group of people, who pointed towards them "there they are!" and started chasing them down. It was clear that they were trapped.

The house looking man darted his eyes besides him, he rapidly kicking a watermelon in a bucket towards the group, which hit them and created an opening for them to escape the dilemma. He grabbed there hand and pulled them into a horse-drawn carriage, which started moving quickly, helping them escape from the situation.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐮 | 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒔 [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now