𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4

491 33 31

Few days later, as Y/N and Home made their way towards Rose Town, their hearts were heavy with the weight of the deadly situation they had just escaped from. But the sight of the town's gates swinging open, welcoming them with open arms, filled them with a glimmer of hope.

The townspeople, in their quaint and vibrant attire, lined the streets, ready to greet the weary two figure. Banners fluttered gently in the breeze, while the sweet scent of roses engulfed the air. It was a sight that took their breath away, and their worries seemed to dissipate with each step they took.

Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as the town's people surrounded them with warmth and genuine smiles. It was as if Rose Town held a secret harmony that pervaded the very atmosphere around them. Strangers became friends in an instant, sharing stories and laughter, as if they had known each other for a lifetime.

"Mr Home you back!" One of the group childrens exclaimed, rushed towards him with a big hug before he could've get out off from the horse. Just as they about to celebrate the moment one of the kid halted, seeing a human besides him

"Who's that?"

"Is that's your girlfriend, home? Did you finally got one?"

"Quiet! They could heard you!"

They awkwardly glancing around the crowds. Feeling the town people all eyes on them in curious and surprised. Home nervously laughed at the childrens statement before standing into a proper position once again

"Everyone, meet y/n! They're from the human realm"

Home introduce as they wave at the people trying to make a good impression for the first time. Some giving them a stare and some were giving each other whispering, which making them uncomfortable at the sight.

One of man, that look like Marshmello stepped out from the crowd he had an old face, super short; 2'3 foot height. He clears his throat before speak, surpringly his tone was deeper

"Welcome to the rose town, human! I am the mayor of the town. You don't need to know my name because you don't need to!"

"K." They muttered

"Say, how did you get in here, human? Those your curious little mind took you over? You know, human like you were never welcome in this realm right? Unless you wanted to get your soul been taken"

He joked, playfully slap there arm which they give a nervous smile

Home clear his throat sensing there discomfort "Mr mayor, please don't scare them like that"

"Oh hush, they can take my joke very well" he chuckled, giving a light pat on there shoulder before walking towards home for a talk.

A little girl came after them, with an innocent gaze in her eyes before sweetly speak 'you're going to die' then ran off to her mother. There eyes twitched slightly, creep out by the sudden words from the kid

'is people in this world are insane?'

"Alright, people go do your thing! Let home and this human take care of this matters!" The mayor command, as the town people leave them after


As they walked through the streets, Y/N's eyes caught sight of the quaint little houses, adorned with rose vines that crawled gracefully up the walls. The architecture spoke of a town rich in history and tradition, and Y/N couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.

The people of Rose Town seemed to understand the healing power of nature. Gardens bloomed with vibrant roses of all colors, their petals glistening with morning dew. They found solace in the delicate beauty of the flowerbeds, a reminder that life could thrive even in the harshest of circumstances.

Though they were strangers to this town, Y/N were already beginning to feel a sense of belonging. It was as if Rose Town had embraced them, offering a sanctuary where they could heal and find their strength once more.

"So, mind tell me what's going on?" Home interrupt there thoughts

They shook there head then letting out a deep sigh. They begin to explain the whole story in the beginning till the present while Home were all focus on them. As soon they finished explaining everything the sun started to set, casting a golden hue over the town, Y/N and Home sat on a bench in the heart of Rose Town. They looked out at the picturesque scene before them.

Home stay quiet for a moment before speak "How do you even activate the portal in the first place?"

They shift on there seat "I don't know...but after I accidentally cut my fingers due to holding those portals then it's just active on its own"

Home simply hum and narrow his eyes "that's strange. But, we can think about that later. I'm pretty sure you're tired of all the run"

He stood up from the bench and look at them, they aren't sure if he was smiling, everything of his features are- well unique. "I have a friend and she's a very kind hearted woman I'm sure she love to met you" he said then continue "you can stay with us until we find your way back to your homeworld"

There eyes lit up a little by his words immediately stood up, facing up towards him "really? You'll do that? You're going to help me?" They said with hope in there tone

He nodded patting there back "yes, yes. Don't worry, you can trust me. This old man are nothing but a good heart" he chuckled

They moved through a landscape that seemed almost otherworldly. The trees were tall and twisted, and the leaves that hung from them were a deep shade of blue. As they walked, they peppered each other with questions, getting to know each other better.

Eventually, they arrived at a small, cozy cottage. Home swung the door open with a flourish and beckoned them inside. They're welcomed inside by the sound of fluttering wings and the pleasant chirping of a bird. That's when Poppy came into view. She was reading a book at the living room, her vibrant, multi-colored feathers shimmering in the evening night, unique creature unlike any they had ever encountered.

Home greeted Poppy with a warm smile, and they could see that the two of them had a special bond. Poppy hopped down from her couch and give Home a nice embrace, however she only had one-winged frame which were now cover with bandages. When she saw them, she let out a sharp screech and backed in a flurry of feathers.

"H-huh?! Human?! Home what's the meaning of this?!" She exclaimed, panicking.

Home quickly reassured the frightened Poppy that they're meant no harm "calm down, poppy. They're just a normal person"

Poppy soon came back as she nervously look between them and Home "oh dear, well this is very surprising. What's your name little one?" She said trying to keep her composure even through she was panicking few second ago

They clear there throat and smile weakly "the name is y/n l/n"

"I'm poppy partridge" she introduced with a smile

Night goes by, as it hit midnight. They had to take the couch for the night, taking some rest as they wonder how they could back to there homeworld again

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐮 | 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒔 [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now