𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2

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As they walked down the city streets, their hoodie pulled tightly over their head, they couldn't help but feel protected from the prying eyes of curious onlookers. They were no ordinary individual; they were an un-human being with a different appearance altogether. Some stood tall with a human-like shape, while others resembled creatures or beasts from a fantastical realm. In this peculiar city, there was no trace of humanity except them.

The cityscape exhibited an enchanting aura, reminiscent of bygone centuries but with an added touch of magic. The vibrant colors of buildings and cobbled streets transported them to a time long past, evoking a sense of nostalgia and wonder. Time seemed to have stood still in this extraordinary place, encapsulating both beauty and mystique.

With each passing hour, they wanderer continued to explore the surroundings, completely uncertain about their purpose or destination. The quaint shops lining the streets exuded an air of ancient wisdom, while the flickering gas lamps cast shadows that danced mysteriously along the buildings. The sound of horse carriages filled the air, transporting them to an era of yesteryears.

As they strolled through the magical city, their gaze fixed upon every intricate detail. The ornate architecture, embellished with fantastical motifs, whispered untold stories of this mystical place. The scent of freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery wafted through the air, triggering memories that were once dormant within their soul.

Despite the allure and fascination that surrounded them, a sense of unease gnawed at their being. The absence of purpose or direction had its way of distorting their perception, leaving them feeling adrift amidst this enchanting realm.

There stomach begin to growl as they quickly clenched it to stop from making any further noises. Looking around the place she cursed herself for not buying any food before she went to vocation earlier before this happen

"Im starving...I had no money or anything. Probably there money way more different than mine" they muttered quietly


As nightfall approached, the once bustling streets became quiet, casting long shadows across the bustling city streets, a weary individual trudged on with each step growing more labored than the last.

. They being found solace in the serene surroundings, yet a sense of urgency weighed upon their spirit.

"I'm nowhere to go, no one, I'm alone. I'm in nowhere and going to die in this street. This people might eat me or something for breakfast..."

They had been walking for what felt like an eternity. Their legs ached with a persistent cramp, protesting against the endless journey they had embarked upon.

The hunger that gnawed at their stomach grew insistent, unrelenting, as if echoing the growls of a wild beast. It had been hours since they had last eaten, and their body was now demanding nourishment. Fragrant scents wafted temptingly from nearby food stalls, each one an unbearable reminder of their current predicament.

Drawing closer, they heard the two man engaged in lively banter. Curiosity piqued, they glanced in their direction only to catch sight of a small money bag draped behind a horse tethered nearby. The bag appeared to overflow with coins, glistening under the fading light of day, tempting their desperate heart.

"Money..." There tone sounds like a hungry zombie

A momentary conflict waged within them - the moral compass urging against theft, while the instinct for survival urgently screamed to seize the opportunity. It was clear to them that this bag held enough currency to satiate their hunger and keep them afloat for the day, perhaps even longer.

"Screw morality, I'm starving and I need to eat!"

They watched the two conversing figures, their attention wholly absorbed in each other's words, oblivious to the world around them. It was the perfect moment. With a trembling hand and a racing heart, they gingerly reached out, attempting to pluck the money bag from its precarious position behind the horse.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐮 | 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒔 [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now