Chapter 4: Battle for The Ice Sekirei, Kagari vs Sekirei #5, Mutsu

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Kagari's House, Afternoon

The Next Day in the afternoon, Kagari and Musubi had just finished their lunch and were now getting dressed to head out for the day

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The Next Day in the afternoon, Kagari and Musubi had just finished their lunch and were now getting dressed to head out for the day.

Kagari: Alright, I'm dressed. Ready to go out for the day, Musubi?

Musubi: Yep, you bet!

Kagari: Remember, we're just going out for a stroll. However, if we do see a Sekirei and their Ashikabi and they want to battle us, I'm giving you permission to fight, okay.

Musubi: Uh huh, you got it, Kagari!

With that, Kagari and Musubi headed out into the city. In his head, Kagari was still thinking about his strange dream last night and the mysterious woman he saw.



Later Kagari and Musubi were now walking  down the neighborhood towards the city.

Kagari: Now that I think about it, Musubi...

Musubi: Hmm? What's on your mind?

Kagari: I've been wondering, what kind of Sekirei are you? You don't seem like the two that attacked us yesterday.

Musubi: That's because I'm a Fist Type Sekirei, silly!

Kagari: Fist type? So that must mean that the Sekireis are different in not only fighting style but in powers too. So that would mean those twins are lightning types, right?

Musubi: Yep, but I don't know all of the types of Sekireis, though.

Kagari: But since you're a fist type, that obviously means you have to be good at hand to hand combat and martial arts, huh?

Musubi: Uh huh! I can also lift heavy objects, punch really hard, and I have my own techniques too, but I haven't gotten the hang of them yet.

Kagari: Oh, that's okay. But just to be safe I think it would be best if we kept the fact you're a Sekirei between us, alright.

Musubi: Oh yeah, I can do that.

Kagari: It's nothing personal, I just really don't want M.B.I and that weirdo professor Minaka breathing down our necks.

Musubi: Don't worry...

Musubi: Don't worry

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