Chapter 31: 2 More Winged

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Kagari's House, Nightfall

After the duel with Toyotama was finally over, Kagari and his Sekireis returned back home for the night as darkness has now fallen over the entire city.

Now that she has lost the duel, Toyotama was pleased to become one of Kagari's Sekirei, increasing their strength and numbers

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Now that she has lost the duel, Toyotama was pleased to become one of Kagari's Sekirei, increasing their strength and numbers. Due to her fearsome reputation of fighting against emerged Sekireis. It also includes the reputation of Kagari in the North as not many Ashikabi or Sekirei wants to face him in battle.


Kagari was now laying down in the bedroom, tying up his bruised arm with some bandages as all of his Sekireis were now downstairs in the bathroom.

Kagari's Thoughts: Well, I have gotten better in battle. But I'm still capable of taking damage. A little more training wouldn't hurt.

He stood up from the bed and was about to walk about of his room, but then the door opened.

Kagari thought it was going to be Musubi, Akitsu, or Tsukiumi. But it was actually Ichiya who walked in on him.

Kagari: Hello there, Ichiya.

He turned his head and looked at Ichiya. She was very beautiful, but there was something harsh about her.

Ichiya: Hmm, I see that you're recovering well, Black Ashikabi.

Kagari: Yes, I'm glad to see that you didn't leave when the duel was over.

Ichiya: Well, I would have. But Toyotama is taking some time to recover and Kaie doesn't wish to leave. Besides...

Ichiya: You managed to defeat Toyotama in battle, so that means we have to abide by the agreement. Kaie and I will have to become your Sekireis.

Kagari: Yeah. But to be honest, I would be fine if you didn't...

Ichiya: What? But Toyotama has already emerged with you.

Kagari: True. But do you really want me as your Ashikabi, Ichiya? I know that Toyotama does, but what about you?

Ichiya: Well...

Kagari: And before you say anything. Yes, I know you two made a promise. But I want to see why you would want to be my Sekirei.

Ichiya was silent for a few minutes before she spoke again.

Ichiya: Out of all 108 of us, Toyotama is my closest friend and I don't wish to fight her. I'd like to fight with her so we can win The Sekirei Plan together.

Ichiya: But personally, I'd like to have an Ashikabi that can...look out for me.

Ichiya: I've seen a lot of the Ashikabis in the game since I was released from M.B.I.

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