Shinto Teito, Park
Much later in the day after the battle with Amebane, Kagari and Uzume were now sitting on a bench in Shinto Teito Park.
Uzume: Hehe...
Uzume: Well now, this is very awkward, huh?
Kagari: Heh, yeah, you're telling me. Matsu just wanted me to check out some of the unwinged Sekireis fighting against the winged ones, and here I go bumping into you.
Uzume: Oh, so that explains why you were all the way out here in the West.
Kagari: Yep, just out here running an errand for the pervert.
Kagari: But that leads me to wonder why you're all the way out here, Uzume. I haven't seen you around Maison Izumo for a while now. So, what have you been doing?
Uzume: Oh, you know. I've been around..
Kagari: -_-....Uzume...
Uzume: Okay, okay, I'll tell you. You see, I've kinda been fighting against emerged Sekireis for the past couple of weeks now.
Kagari: Really? Now what would make you want to do that?
Kagari: Plus, when I winged Tsukiumi, didn't you say you already have an Ashikabi? So, why would you be fighting without them with you...?
Uzume: Well, you see. About me having an Ashikabi...