Chapter 16: Sekirei #2, Matsu

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Maison Izumo, Afternoon

The Next Day, Kagari and his Sekireis were back at Maison Izumo to help their neighbor Miya with her daily routine of chores

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The Next Day, Kagari and his Sekireis were back at Maison Izumo to help their neighbor Miya with her daily routine of chores. Hikari and Hibiki were not there as they were hunting for Sekirei in the city.

Musubi was currently out of the Inn running errands for Miya while Kagari, Akitsu, Oriha, Kusano, and Taki were still at Maison Izumo.

Kagari was taking a break after shoveling as he was drinking tea with Oriha, Akitsu, and Taki while Kusano was watering and picking plants and vegetables.

Akitsu: Kagari, could I ask something of you..?

Kagari: Sure go ahead, Akitsu.

Akitsu: You seem to frequently visit Maison Izumo whenever you have time on your hands, why is that?

Kagari: Oh, that's because Miya is dear friend of my family. My parents introduced me to her when I was a little boy. I thought since I'm one of her neighbors, I might as well help her out around the Inn.

Akitsu: I see, that's actually very nice of you, Kagari.

Kagari: Thanks, Akitsu. I find it nice that you and the others are willing to help out here, as well.

Kusano: Big Brother, can you come and help me, please?

Kagari walked over to see Kusano struggling to pull out a carrot from the ground.

Kagari: What's the problem, Kuu?

Kusano: Big brother, can you help me pull out this carrot? I'm pulling it but it won't come out.

Kagari cracked his knuckles.

Kagari: Alright then, leave it to me.

He grabbed the carrot and with a single pull, the vegetable came out of the ground with ease and he handed the carrot to Kusano.

Kagari: That was easy. Here you go.

Kusano: Thank you, big brother.

Kagari: Anytime, Kuu.

Miya: Kagari, why don't you go and take care of yourself in the bathroom while the girls assist me with the rest of the chores?

Kagari: Oh, Alright then.

As Kagari entered the bathroom, the woman in the hidden room can be seen watching everything on the cameras.

???: Hmmm, it looks like #11 and #12, Hikari and Hibiki aren't here right now and #88, Musubi is still out running errands. But that doesn't matter, the gloves are off... hehehehe... and I do fight pretty dirty .... hehehehe


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