Chapter 18: Time To Get Serious, Kagari vs Sekirei #9, Tsukiumi!

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Shinto Teito, Rooftops

Meanwhile, somewhere on the rooftops of the city, three familiar unwinged Sekireis can be seen watching over from above as a Sekirei duel was now reaching it's end.

Toyotama: Looks like it's all over now....

Toyotama: Looks like it's all over now

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Ichiya: Well, would you look at that. Number 19 won the duel.

Toyotama: Hmm, not to shabby. Although if it was me, I would've won that duel much earlier than her.

Ichiya: You mean "we" would've won much earlier, right Toyotama?

Toyotama: Yes of course, Ichiya.

As Ichiya and Toyotama were commentating, Kaie was more focused on Number 19 and her Ashikabi celebrating in victory as she watched them in her silent jealousy.

As Ichiya and Toyotama were commentating, Kaie was more focused on Number 19 and her Ashikabi celebrating in victory as she watched them in her silent jealousy

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Kaie's Thoughts: (I wonder when...when will I find my Ashikabi..? I'd like to celebrate with them like #19, long do I have to wait...?)

Ichiya: Hey, Kaie.

Kaie: Oh, yes Ichiya?

Ichiya: We're heading off, are you coming?

Kaie: Yes, I'm coming.

Toyotama: You know, you did look a little bit jealous there, Kaie.

Kaie: W-What? No, I'm not jealous. Not at all..well, maybe I was a little bit envious of Number 19...

Ichiya: You really want to find an Ashikabi that bad, huh?

Kaie: Y-Yes, but I'd like for find and react to my future Ashikabi instead of being taken and winged by a random stranger.

Toyotama: I can agree with that, since we took care of the last Sekireis that tried hunting us.

Toyotama: We'll keep looking and we will find ourselves an Ashikabi. One for all three of us, alright Kaie?

Ichiya: Besides, we've taken a liking to you. Just stay with us when we find him, okay?

Kaie: O-Okay.

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