Chapter 29: Toyotama, Ichiya, and Kaie

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Maison Izumo, Afternoon

The fight between The North and The South is now over with Mikogami and his Southern Sekirei retreating. Now, Kagari and his Northern Sekirei returned to Maison Izumo. But they also had three new guests with them.

Inside of the Inn, Oriha placed a cup of tea on the table infront of Kagari.

Inside of the Inn, Oriha placed a cup of tea on the table infront of Kagari

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Hikari: So why did we go and bring them back with us again?

Hibiki: We need to know what they want from us, sis.

Hikari: We should have just terminated them, they're not even emerged anyway.

Toyotama: True, but we did much more than just shoot lighting without any sense.

Ichiya: She's right, you know.

Hikari: What did you say?! Don't forget we're the ones who saved your asses!

Kagari: Calm down, Hikari.

Hikari: Hmph. Whatever.

Kagari: Alright now, let's go and make this quick.

He was speaking too the three Sekireis from the train station battle, #16 Toyotama, #18 Ichiya, and #62, Kaie.

Kagari: What do the three of you want from us?

Kaie rubbed her arm in nervousness.

Kaie's Thoughts: I'm right infront of him now...

Kaie: Well, you see. we...

Toyotama: I've been wanting to see what you're made of, Ashikabi of The North.

Seeing Toyotama's staff, Akitsu and Taki were both ready to attack until, Kagari raised his arm, making them stop.

Kagari: Why do you wish to fight me?

Ichiya: Well, Toyotama is very picky. She won't emerge with any Ashikabi.

Toyotama: That's right. I have no interest in weak Ashikabi. I want my Ashikabi to be someone who can keep up with me.

Kagari: I see. Is that the same for you, Ichiya?

 Is that the same for you, Ichiya?

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