Chapter 17: Tsukiumi, The Water Sekirei

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Building, Kagari's Dream

Kagari opened his eyes to see that he wasn't laying in his bed anymore, but he was now standing on the roof of one of the buildings in Shinto Teito.

Kagari's Thoughts: (First, it was a blizzard. Second, it was a jungle. Now, it's a damn building.)

He looked up and saw a person standing above him on the building. She had long blonde hair while wearing a short white dress and a long black jacket.

 She had long blonde hair while wearing a short white dress and a long black jacket

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Kagari: Who are you?

Tsukiumi: At last I have found you. I hope you are prepared, Ashikabi....

 I hope you are prepared, Ashikabi

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Tsukiumi: FOR DEATH!!!

Kagari's Bedroom, Morning

Kagari woke up from his dream to see he was back in his bedroom. He looked to his sides to see Musubi, Akitsu, and Kusano were sleeping in bed with him.

Kagari's Thoughts: (I guess that dream must mean that there's another Sekirei out there, huh? And this one wants to actually kill me...awesome..I wonder if Matsu could help me out.)

Just then, something began moving from under the bedsheets. The covers came up as Matsu appeared wearing a pink nightgown.

 The covers came up as Matsu appeared wearing a pink nightgown

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Matsu: Rise and shine, Ka. ga .ri.

Kagari: -_-....Matsu, how the hell did you get inside my house...?

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