Chapter 2 - I'm You You're Me

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Doc looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I- I need to sit down." Doc made his way over to the same spot Etho and future Doc had been talking years later and sat down. Etho took the seat across from him.

"So my time machine does work."

"Yup! Eventually!"


"Can't tell you that one. Future you specifically told me not to cause any butterfly effect problems while I'm here."

"Makes sense. What time period did you come from? You don't look too much older than the present Etho?"

"I'm from about 3 years in the future." Doc nodded.

"That doesn't make sense. I vowed that if my time machine ever worked, I'd never time travel back close enough to cause problems in my present life. So why'd I send you back here?" Etho contemplated. This Doc didn't know that Bdubs was going to die. He deserved to know. But also, would it cause problems if past Doc knew the future?

"If your worried about the butterfly effect so much, you don't have to tell me. I understand. It has to be important though if I'm willing to go against my word and send you here. If you decide to tell me I promise I will not alter my actions." Etho shook his head.

"No. I can't tell you. All you need to know is that it is VERY important that I am here."

"Ok." Etho shifted and adjusted his mask. It was safer if he didn't know.

"Mind if I crash here in the lab? I'm stuck here for 2 weeks and kinds need a place to stay..."

"Yeah dude go ahead. Make yourself at home. If ya need anything, I'll just be working on my gadgets. Oh and just so I don't get mixed up with you and present Etho, can I call you something else?"

"You call me E or Ladders. I know you and Etho haven't really gotten close yet but you will. These nicknames kinda just stick in the future."

"Ok perfect. I hope that whatever you're here for goes well."


It was a long night for Etho. Doc had brought him some food and blankets which had helped him calm down a little but it wasn't enough. Etho knew he didn't have much time. He also knew that it wouldn't be easy. That didn't scare him though. What really kept him up was Bdubs. He'd get to see Bdubs again. Living and breathing. And that terrified him.

The minute Etho saw Bdubs again, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it together. All the tears he'd prevented from flowing down his cheeks would come rushing out. All the pain and grief he felt would come back. And the worst part was that his past self didn't even know Bdubs yet. He didn't know all of the wonderful and terrible memories that would come. He hadn't lived the best years of his life yet, and he hadn't lived the worst.

Etho watched as the sun spilled through the cracks in the walls. It was morning. Day one. Time to find himself.

Etho walked the familiar streets past the familiar people. He kept his hood up and his gaze down. He had one destination in mind: The morning brew coffee cafe. Etho walked in casually, ordering something that wasn't his normal in case the cashier, Scar, recognized him. Luckily, past Etho had dressed and acted a bit different so there was no suspicion. Etho sat in his regular booth and waited. Any minute now, his past self would walk in and order coffee. Etho sipped on his own coffee, feeling it burn on the way down. He grabbed a napkin and coughed into it. When he was done coughing, he noticed two red petals on the napkin. He cringed and swiftly got up to throw the petals away. As he did so, the bell above the door rang. And there he was, past Etho.

( from this point I will be using E for present Etho and Etho for past Etho just like Doc so that we don't get confused :) )

E watched as Etho got his usual coffee and sat down in his usual spot. Now was his chance. E adjusted his hood before walking over and sitting next to Etho.

"Uhhh hello? Can I help you?" E chuckled.

"Yes actually. But not here, not now." Etho looked scared and skeptical. After all, to him E was just a stranger.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" E smiled and pulled his hood down slightly.

"Don't freak out, I'm you from the future." Etho's jaw dropped.

"Wha- how did you- HUH?"

"Shhhh! Lower your voice. If you want answers, meet me at your apartment in 10 minutes."

"O-Ok." And with that, E walked out of the shop, leaving Etho completely speechless.

E walked around the park for a bit to regain his composure. He had just met his past self! Wild! He slowly started back to the apartment which belonged to him.

E knew the apartments like the back of his hand. Floor 3, room 56 was his. He walked the stairs to get there. He didn't even bother knocking on the door, just entering the code and letting himself in. Etho was sitting on the couch, waiting for him presumably. E made his way over and sat down.

"Hey what's up!" E tried to start up a conversation.

"Skip the formalities. How are you here? Why are you here?" E chuckled at the response.

"I should've know you wouldn't let me stall. I mean, we have the same brain after all." E tapped a finger to his head. Etho rolled his eyes.

"So, do I get an answer? Or am I kicking you out of my... out of OUR apartment?"

"Fine. We are so much cooler in the future geez."


"What? We are! Part of that's because we make a friend but I'll explain that later. To answer your questions, I am here because in the future you know a guy with a time machine. No the reason I'm here is... well I can't really tell you that..." E adjusted his mask and quieted. Etho seemed to pick up on the social cue.

"Alright. That's fair. Did you come to warn me of something?"

"Yeah but I can't tell you what yet. It's not the right time."

"So when can you tell me?"

"In a few days. I wanted to introduce myself now though because I didn't want you to freak out when I tell you the warning." Etho nodded. He looked his future self up and down and made a few notes.

"We really get a glow up don't we?" E chuckled.

"Yeah, we get a little confidence boost."

"But we still wear the mask?" E shook his head sadly.

"Yeah. We get a confidence boost but not that big of a confidence boost. But hey! We aren't depressed anymore!" Etho smiled.

"Awesome. How far in my future do I become you?"

"3 years."

"Oh snappers, that's closer than I thought."

"Mhm. A lot changes for us Etho. And speaking of things changing I don't really want to alter the course of your future so I gotta get going for now."

"Alright, when will I see you again?"

"2 days from now, I'll be back. Good luck." E stood and headed towards the door, "Oh and Etho? Make sure you ask him for his name." And then E was gone. 


Next on the menu: Exploring Etho's past! With a side of falling in love and a nice tall glass of flower petals to wash it all down. Annnndddd.... maybe some boat boys for dessert? 

(1253 Words)

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