Chapter 3 - Nice to Meet You

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Etho was confused. Very confused. First he meets his future self. Then he's told that one of his friends creates a time machine in the future. And the cherry on top, his future self tells him to ask someone for his name. What?!?!? Etho didn't have too much time to think about it. School was starting in a few minutes. He threw on a green hoodie and ran out the door, caffeine from his coffee kicking in.

It was Monday, nothing too special. His first class was Math, which in his opinion was the worst class to start with. It's not that he was bad at math, he was actually quite good! But usually his brain wasn't awake enough to do equations. He partially blames his coffee addiction on the fact that he needs to be awake for his math class.

Etho walked up to the front doors of the school. But today, something was a little different. Doc was waiting for him.

"Hey Etho! What's up?"

"Nothing much man, what's up with you?"

"Just chilling. I was wondering if you could tell Mrs. K that I won't be in Math? The principal is having me escort a new kid around."

"Oh yeah sure thing."

"Awesome. I'll catch up with you at lunch ok?"

"See ya."

Etho walked to his first class, confused at Doc's words. It wasn't often that he and Doc hung out at lunch, but he wasn't complaining. Definitely better than eating alone. As he walked, Etho contemplated what E had told him.

"Make sure you ask him for his name." Who's name? Etho shook the thought out of his head and sat down. Today was gonna be a long day.

Lunch rolled around faster than Etho thought it would. And like Doc had said, he came and found Etho.

"Hey! Etho! How's your day been man?"

"Not bad. How was escorting around the new kid?"

"It's been good! She's really cool. Mind if she sits with us?"

"Not at all." A few moments later, a girl with pink hair came over and sat at the table with them. Etho realized that Doc had never said her name. Is this the person E was talking about? Wait.. no. He said "ask HIS name." not her name. Etho sighed. The pink haired girl spoke.

"Hello! My name is lizzie! What's yours?"

"Etho. Nice to meet you."

The three chatted for the rest of lunch before heading their separate ways for class. Soon enough, the final class was over and school was out. Etho sighed as he walked out the doors and into the crisp spring air. Only a few more months until summer break.

Etho walked casually down the street back to his apartment. He didn't have many plans for the day other than just schoolwork and coding. He was never bored despite not doing a lot in his day. Etho was simple. And he liked it that way.

As he approached his destination, his phone buzzed. He pulled it out to see a text from Doc asking about the math assignment he'd missed. Etho typed out a quick reply as he walked, eyes glued to the phone. One minute he was texting Doc, the next he was on his bottom, phone on the sidewalk, pain in his arm from the collision, and a stranger on top of him.

"Oh my gosh I am SO sorry! I should've been paying attention! Are you hurt? Oh gosh." Etho watched as the boy scrambled off of him in panic. Etho just laughed.

"No worries, I wasn't paying attention either. Sorry about that." The stranger offered Etho a hand, which he took promptly and stood up. Only then did he really take in the person in front of him. The boy was short with very brown eyes. He was sporting a green hoodie which contrasted his very red and flustered face. Etho couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that the short stranger was so embarrassed at the situation.

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