Chapter 7 - The Truth Comes Out

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"Ladders you can't just sleep all day." Doc crossed his arms, glaring at E.

"What are you? My dad?"

"No, but you're staying in my lab so I think I get some sort of say." E just rolled his eyes and pulled his blanket back over his head.

"Five more minutes." Doc sighed, he knew he wouldn't win this. Instead of continuing to argue, he picked up a wrench and walked over to one of his new contraptions. It was eventually going to be a flying machine, but at the moment it looked more like a hunk of metal from a scrap yard.

"E? Could you come give me a hand with this?" Etho rolled over and glared at Doc. Doc just glared back. Eventually, E pulled himself off of the couch and walked over.

"What." His voice was hoarse. Coughing up so many petals the day before had definitely done a number on his throat. Etho felt his ears flatten against his head. He felt awful. Whether it was from the hanahaki or the realizations that he might actually like Joel he wasn't quite sure.

"Hold this for me." Doc shoved a few redstone pieces into Etho's hands before returning to his work. He took note of how Etho flinched when given the parts and how he seemed out of it. Something was off. Doc set down the wrench he was holding and turned to face Etho.

"Alright. I've had enough of this. Something's up and you're not telling me what. So spill." E looked very caught off guard.

"I'm all good Doc. Don't worr-" He was cut off by a cough. He doubled over and clenched his stomach. The pain shot through him. Etho managed to keep down most of it, but most is not all. A single petal fell from his mouth. Etho quickly snatched it and shoved it in his pocket, praying that Doc didn't see it.

"Ladders, you coulda told me you were sick. I coulda gotten you some medicine or painkillers or something."

"I'm fine Doc. Just a little tired is all."

"Ok. Go back to sleep then. I'll try to stay quiet." Etho nodded and shuffled back over to his makeshift couch bed. Doc watched him intensely. Etho wasn't just sick. Normal sick people didn't cough that hard. And he could've been seeing things, but Doc swore he saw Etho cough up a petal just then. He shook his head and went back to busying himself with his work.

Etho woke up a few times during his nap due to violent coughs. He could feel the vines twisting in his throat. When Doc wasn't in sight, he ran over to a trashcan and let the petals escape his lungs. His eyes watered as the pain heightened. Eventually, he finished coughing up plants. Despite his better judgment, he glanced at the petals in the bin. There were rose petals, daffodil petals, and a brand new petal: Peony, flower of new beginnings.

Etho stared at the petals. He silently cursed the meanings, because they all pointed back to the same thing. Joel.

He wasn't supposed to love Joel. Loving Joel would be selfish. Bdubs would still die if Etho loved Joel. Loving Joel was never going to be an option. Besides, he had only just met the man!

But still, something deep in his chest ached to be back at the arcade. Back in the photo booth where he had kissed Joel. Etho had stashed his treasures from the arcade underneath his couch bed. He didn't let himself look at them. He couldn't risk falling in love.

Sighing, Etho made his way back over to the couch and laid down, pulling the blanket over his head. He deserved a lazy day, right?

He woke to Doc staring at him. It was startling to say the least. E jumped in surprise.

"OH- Oh. Hey Doc. What's up?"

"You really think I wouldn't notice?"

"What are you talking abou-"

"Hanahaki E? And you didn't think to tell me? For crying out loud you're literally dying and you didn't tell me?!?!"

"If I told you it could have caused some sort of butterfly effect! I'm still from the future, remember? Your Etho is safe."

"For now yeah! But your hanahaki is his future!" Etho didn't know how to respond. All his instincts told him to run, but he stayed.

"You don't understand Doc."

"Then make me understand!"

"It's not my place to tell you things. It could mess up the future for you."

"SCREW THE FRICKEN FUTURE. I swear to void Etho if you die I will-"

"I'm not going to die Doc-"

"You can't promise that!"

"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR A SECOND?!?!" Etho shouted. Doc cringed and shut his mouth. Etho sighed and continued.

"Look, I'm sorry for yelling. I can't tell you about what's happening. That's future you business. But yes. I do have hanahaki."

"Does the other Etho know?"

"No. And I'd prefer to keep it that way. The less he knows the better." Doc nodded. He contemplated the information. He still had questions, but settled on one.

"Who is it? The one you love enough to cough up petals over?" Etho twiddled his thumbs deciding whether or not he should reply. Eventually he gave in.

"Bdubs." Doc nodded again.

"Why dont't you tell him?  Does something happen between you two in the future?"

"That's something personal. I'd prefer not to say."

"Ok. is.... Is that why you came back in time? Because you wanted to warn your younger self to confess so you wouldn't get sick?"

"No... not exactly. There's a lot of things that happen in the future Doc. That's about all I can tell you for now." Doc tried to piece together the puzzle in his head about what was going on. This was bigger than just hanahaki. He didn't have enough clues, and honestly he didn't want anymore. The more he knew, the more dangerous it was. So for now, he'd have to settle on just making sure E had support, and enough painkillers to deal with the petals.

"I trust you ladders. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'll stay out of your way." E smiled.

"Thanks Doc. I promise you'll understand it all some day."

"Yeah yeah, I'm off to the store to getcha some medicine to help with the pain. I know you've been sleeping all day, but... uhh... rest up yeah?"

"Sure thing." Doc turned and walked out the door. Etho didn't hesitate to head back over to the couch and flop down. That could've gone wrose. 

Doc was annoyed. He was smart. He could create any machine. He could solve any equation. But when dealing with emotions? Completely clueless.

His friend was dying. There was nothing he could do about it. And the worst part? It was over Bdubs. The sweet, talkative, oblivious, bubble-brained brunette. If future Etho didn't fess up to Bdubs, Bdubs would never know E had a crush on him.

Something about the narrative of the situation still didn't click in Doc's brain. There was something missing. He didn't need the full story though to know what he needed to do. One thing was for sure: in order to protect E, he had to set Etho and Bdubs up.


Hello beautiful people!

I had a bit of trouble writing this but hey, it all worked out right? 

Reminder about the timeline: E has been in the past for about a week now. He has one more week before he has to go back to his present time. If he doesn't, the hanahaki will kill him. He's gotta work fast. 

Anyway, thanks for reading! 

- cloud  

(1218 words above the line) 

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