Chapter 4 - Friends and Strangers

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Tomorrow. All he had to do was wait till tomorrow. Then, E would be back to chat again. Etho couldn't help but think about how outrageous his situation was. His future self literally came back in time to give him advice. To change something about his life. Etho couldn't help but wonder if something had gone wrong in his future. What could be so bad that he had to go back in time to fix it? Dwelling on the thought just made Etho feel anxious. Besides, he still had a full day before E came back, he might as well make the best of it.

Etho stepped out of his apartment hastily. He needed a distraction desperately. And there was no better distraction than food. It was time for lunch anyway.

As he walked, Etho decided that maybe he should call up Doc and see if he wanted to come. They were friends, and that way Etho wouldn't be so lonely. He quickly sent Doc a message as he continued walking to the small burger joint near his apartment.

Doc replied soon after, saying that he could come. He also asked to bring a friend. The more the merrier right? Etho finished messaging Doc and put his phone away as he walked into the restaurant.

It was a stereotypical burger place, with shiny red booths and checkered floors. The bar had tall, metal stools lined up against it and the walls were decorated with various pictures of cars and monster trucks, each one signed by someone who had driven the vehicle in some race.

Etho had never really been interested in the theme of the place, but he definitely was interested in the food. The burgers were some of the best he'd ever had and the fries were salted to perfection. For a greasy fast food joint it was pretty good. 

Etho found an open booth and sat down, waiting for Doc and his friend. He didn't really need to look at the menu, already knowing what he was going to order, but he picked it up anyway. Eventually a waitress made her way over and asked him what he wanted to drink. He got three waters for the time being, if Doc or his friend wanted something else they could decide that when they got there.

It didn't take long before Etho heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Etho! What's up man?" Doc slid into the seat opposite Etho, "This is my friend Bdubs. He goes to the highschool across the way." Etho looked at Bdubs in surprise as he sat down next to Doc. Bdubs just looked slightly embarrassed. Etho smiled mischievously, knowing that Bdubs probably still felt bad about the other day. Knowing this, Etho decided to bring it up.

"Oh yeah! I "ran into" Bdubs the other day! Nice to see ya again." Bdubs face went a little red. Doc looked at the two questioningly. Etho just smirked.

"Well.... I'm glad you two have met then? Why don't we order." Thankful to Doc for changing the subject, Bdubs grabbed a menu and started looking through it. Doc scanned the menu as well. When the waitress returned, Doc and Etho ordered burgers. Bdubs ordered chicken tenders.

"You're ordering chicken tenders... at a burger restaurant?"

"Oh shush you! They're my comfort food!" Etho smiled.

"Sorry Doc, I gotta back Bdubs up on this one. Chicken tenders are always a good choice." Bdubs beamed. Doc just rolled his eyes.

After their food arrived, they all fell into comfortable conversation. Well, more like comfortable one-sided conversation. Bdubs rambled about his interior design class and how his final was due in a few weeks and he totally wasn't prepared. Doc and Etho just listened, occasionally adding a small reaction here or there. They were content to just let the short man talk. Etho found it kind of endearing that Bdubs was so passionate about his classes. Bdubs made him feel something... he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

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