Chapter 6 - He Knows.

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Etho couldn't focus to save his life. Ask Bdubs on a date? Why had he agreed to that!?!? He fidgeted with his mask as he tried to follow along with the history lesson that was being taught.

"Mr. Slab, can you tell me what year the Goblands had their economic flourish?" Etho hadn't been paying attention, but he wasn't stupid.

"1972." The teacher looked shocked.

"Very good. Mr. Poulman, what was the main export of the Goblands?" Etho watched as Grian ripped his head away from whatever conversation he was having with Jimmy. He definitely didn't know the answer, judging by the way the feathers on his head puffed up. Sighing, Etho scribbled the answer on his notebook and discretely turned it toward Grian.

" Pork and bone meal." The teacher grumbled and turned back to the board.

"Good." He went back to teaching. Grian turned to Etho and mouthed a thank you. Etho just shrugged. Grian smiled and sent him a text.

'Thanks E, I owe ya one.' Etho sent back a quick 'no problem' and went back to doodling on his notebook. He hadn't noticed that the character he had been drawing was starting to look similar to a certain cute, energetic friend he had. Etho sighed. There was no way he could ask Bdubs out. His ears flattened on his head. This is impossible.

Lunch rolled around and Grian beelined toward Etho. He needed to talk to him. He also just wanted to thank him for the answers.

" Etho! Hey!"

"Oh. Hey Gri, what's up?" Grian smiled.

"Just about to go out for lunch, you wanna come with? I owe ya for saving my butt in history."

"Oh uh... sure? Let me just tell Doc I'm not gonna at lunch."

"Don't bother. I already told him I was stealing you."

"Ok." Grian led Etho out to his car and they left to get lunch. Grian pulled into the McDonalds parking lot. Etho chuckled. Of course Grian would choose McDonalds.

"Whatcha want E?"

"Chicken nuggets."

"Alrighty!" Grian walked up to the counter and ordered for them, returning shortly with nuggets and milkshakes. Etho took his meal, pulled down his mask, and started eating.

"SO! Etho, I need to talk to you."


"Bdubs." Etho nearly choked on the piece of chicken he was chewing. He regained his composure, but not before Grian snickered at him.

"What do you- uhh- what do you wanna know about Bdubs? Wait, how do you know Bdubs? He lives way on the other side of town.."

"I know him because I do. I have friends other than the people at our school I'll have you know. And to answer the other question, I wanna know what you think of him."

"I think he's cool?" Grian nudged Etho's shoulder.

"Aww come on! You know what I mean. What do you really think?" Etho blushed a bit.

"I-I think he's... why do you wanna know so bad?!?!" Etho crossed his arms and pulled his mask back over his pink cheeks. Grian pouted, dissatisfied.

"Fine. Be like that Slab boy. But answer me this! Do you believe in soulmates?" Etho's cheeks grew even pinker. What was Grian playing at?


"I'm serious E." All the jokiness was gone from Grian's face. He wore and expression of pure concentration. It was scary to see Grian act serious. He never acted serious.

"Well I... I don't know. I think we're all destined for someone, but... I don't know..." Grian nodded. Etho watched as Grian contemplated what to say next.

"Well I believe in soulmates. I believe that there's one person we're destined for across all universes. That's just how it works." Etho squirmed uncomfortably under Grian's gaze. Why was he talking about universes? It sounded similar to when E talked about his universe. Grian couldn't possibly know about E. Still, it was odd. Etho laughed nervously, deciding to cover it up his anxiousness with humor.

"I-If this is an attempt to flirt Grian..."

"It isn't. You know what I'm talking about." Etho's eyes went wide. Surely he wasn't talking about E. He couldn't be.

"I don't think I do know what you're talking about." Etho hastily looked down at his watch. "Hey look at that, lunch is almost over! We should head back to the school..." Grian glanced at the time. He was annoyed by the change in conversation but couldn't help but agree.

"Cod you're right..." Grian stood, Etho followed. They headed back to the car. Etho had officially he had escaped the accusational conversation! Or at least he thought.. but the minute Grian pulled into the school parking lot, he started talking again.

"Look. I'll stop bugging you about this. But I just want you to ask him something for me..." 

"Ask who?"

"Etho for the love of cod please stop playing dumb!" Etho sighed. Grian tuned to face Etho directly. 

"I need you to ask E if he thinks Bdubs is his soulmate." Grian 100% knew about E. How? HOW? Etho couldn't wrap his head around it. And now Grian wanted him to ask E about his soulmate. Etho felt his anxiety rising. His thoughts were cut off when Grian spoke.

"Promise me Etho... please? Next time you see him?" Grian's tone was desperate. He stared Etho directly in the eyes. Finally, after a long silence, Etho responded. And, despite being confused and slightly scared, he was still people pleaser at heart.

"Ok. I'll ask." Grian's smile reached his eyes.

"Thank you."

Etho didn't see Grian the rest of the day. He did, however, run into Doc. And when Doc asked Etho if he had a nice lunch with Grian, he responded with an anxious chuckle. Because Grian knew about Bdubs, and Grian knew about E. And that meant that Grian probably knew more than he was letting on. And letting Grian have that much power only meant one thing: trouble. 



You'll know how soon :)

Thanks for reading! Go drink some water right now.

- Cloud

(986 words above the line)  

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