Machine City: Part 1 (And then There were Two)

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 * Bible: Proverbs 27:9 - "Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart. so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel".

It was a beautiful day in I-75 (Interstate 75), where an RV consisted of three members: an adventurous young boy, his "twin" girl cousin and a slightly overweight grandfather. The boy was picking his nose, his cousin was reading a Florida guidebook while pet-peeved by her seatmate. His grandfather was driving and the boy stopped picking and immediately took out his glowing wristband, "geeking" over it. 

"I don't really see why you love that thing, Ben" - said the young girl wearing blue cat shirt and light blue pants.

"Um, FYI, dweeb, this bracelet right here can light up in dark places, huh, why don't I put this in front your face to remind you about the true meaning of fun" - defended by Ben.

"Huh, not a chance, watch-meister, you wouldn't even have a chance in your dirty little mirror kissing yourself in the Dark. - the girl shooting back at her cousin.

Ben then scoffed "Whatever, kid genius". (making Gwen irritated and mumbled "Sometimes I can't believe I'm even related to you".

"Relax, kids, just be glad you had yourselves an excellent time and a nice moment for trying my Fourth-of-July worm menu". - Grandfather trying to reassure his grandkids.

The two kids spoke out in unison sarcastically: "Yeah, very juicy and tasty"; Ben whispering: "Grandpa definitely has to realize we're not in the 80s anymore, Gwen." 

Gwen also whispers by saying: "For once in your Lalaland life, I can agree (while almost belching), and thank Goodness we dumped them for some Jellybeans and Marshmallows from our bags".

The gang then stopped at an area to witness a cliff view of the "Motor City". The Grandpa said: "Whelp, we're here". Ben responded by saying: "Thank you Grandma Max, we've been on the road for 18 hours straight, bout time to finally stretch out my legs".

Max said: "Not yet, I want to let you kids know that this city right here is where I was raised; from my experience it's a very huge city to tour around so let's make a stop around my ol' Uncle Jedadiah's farm before our tour little later today."

Ben and Gwen: "Aw but the Water Parks"... however Max wasn't having it as he waved his finger "No buts"

The Rust Bucket started to drive off, 2 miles away from them a duo of giant robots start walking on the sidewalk with a redhead girl.

The dark-skinned girl: "Man, isn't it refreshing to see these beautiful skies on a warm Detroit summer day, guys?";  (Quietly talking to herself): "and no homework for you, Sari girl".

The yellow short robot: "Yeah that's good and all but it would be way more fun to stroll around the Park quicker than a nano click right about now".

The green tall, overweight, bulky robot: "Don't know bout you, Bee, but nothing seems to offend my grand loose cannon circuits than other than walking with clear gears; Besides, this is definitely better than accidentally raking stairs and benches with my feet".

Sari: "I agree with Bulkhead except I don't have circuits, only natural body parts, anyways people who are happy and "bright-radiant" at least take some days off to clear their minds and maybe appreciate the hidden wonders around you".

Bee: "Ugh, you're starting to sound like "stillness" Prowl, trying to have our rear hides sit on the bright, burny, and greeny place of what you humans call a "park".

Sari then ignored him, instead walking out in the light of day for three hours before finally heading back to base with the human girl riding with the yellow bot in his "vehicle alt. mode."

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