Squid Hivemind

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"Matthew 12: 25-26 - "And 'Yahusha Ha'Mashaiach' heard their thoughts and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand, And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand?"

At an Antique Store, we see a cashier talking and accepting a beige shiny dragon diamond from a seasoned couple, "Hmm, you sure about donating this unknown blessed artifact, antiques may not be that entertaining but they serve as ancient reminders from 79 AD Rome."

"Anything to rid our home off of any uncomfortable sensations, last time I went to sleep, I found myself taking an accident when cornered to a horrible demon". stated the Family Man.

"Hmm, very well, legend states that whosoever's worthy can avoid any nightmare and take over worlds, countries, even continents" said the Cashier who seemed to have an evil, dark, proud smile.

"I'm sure we'll keep that in mind, sir, thanks for lifting this weight off our shoulders, come on Brenda." With saying that, the couple walked through the exit and after the Cashier inspected the Artifact and even looked both ways to see if he was being watched. Then the cashier retreated to the Office as soon as he dealt with two Security Guards wearing intimidating shades.

"We've recovered the Cephalopod Egg, sir" Cashier stated as his Boss sat originally back paying attention to the Youth's face.

"Good, you may be dismissed, await further instructions and speak nothing of this matter to nobody" demanded the Leader speaking in a Cuban accent. Cashier nodded in approval as he exactly as ordered while this near middle-aged foreigner turned around and inspected this so-called Egg by breathing on it which the results that the reflection showed a couple minutes later.

"This is the One alright, now I just need to shut down all 5G connections so the Feds don't come" This Cuban boss determinedly said before calling all his workers: "Habla su jefe. Necesitamos apagar todas las señales y dispositivos electrónicos 5G, excepto la pantalla utilizada para contactar a nuestro Benefactor Octopus, a partir de ahora.". After a fresh ten minutes, the Cuban was ready to activate his TV and contact somebody seemingly outside this world as the Satellite outside was blasting through the skies which drew the Detroit-owned Space Station's attentions even before the trace disappeared. 

The screen then revealed an injured, near stasis-induced Vilgax: (uttering in a menacing voice): " Ah Richard Gomez, to whom I and my troops show the pleasure."

"Master Vilgax, the Cartel delivers their appreciation in sending your bots to deliver our goods all throughout, we've recovered your property as a token for appease your role in our partnership (showing Vilgax the Cephalopod Egg which the Squid Tyrant tilt right which Richard, based on previous conversations, understood this gesture as being pleased with these results.)

"I'll make that sure that you get to the Mudball Detroit Throne soon enough, although I cannot fathom why you'd choose that when I could give you reign to a Star System based on your persisting obedience." said Vilgax.

 Ricky's eyes beamed with Red Blood Pupils as he uttered: "Let's just say that Mayor Edsel and I have got history, anyways my men will send your precious egg through the tubes and alas your ship shall receive it, my liege. (Bowing down and questioning a lil in curiosity: "Although if I may, what's with the Egg, are you trying to power up an old doomsday machine that was originally prophesied thousands of ages ago. (Rhetorically asked while laughing as little did he know yet, it was kind of legit: You could say that but right now You Obey My Orders When I Tell You For My Own Special Needs or There Shall Be Consequences For Failures, Who Knows, Maybe You Could Have Your Own Wall in My Trophy Room (Vilgax threatening the Cuban man if he did anyway outside of their coalition, making him shake a bit).

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