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Psalm 83: 1-5;6-8 , "Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God; For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head; They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones; They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance; For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee; Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O Lord; Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish; That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth."

In Belle Park, Ben and Sari were sitting on an old-fashioned bench with Bumblebee and Prowl supervising them.

"And then I blasted them with my Diamond Powers saying "What comes around, goes around"; next time I know, we're surrounded by bystanders and I almost gave my identity away" explained Ben when he fought aliens the first time.

"Wow, I never thought it that way, oh girl, the chaos I'd get into with that watch in my fingertips" said Sari.

"Ahem" while the kids looked for the close source which was none other than Prowl reminding the little girl about the You-Know-What.

"Well at the same time, I'd also be very grateful of having a wonderful, healing gift over my neck so there's no complaining" forcefully said Sari while learning and repeating what Prowl had been instilling since the day they first met.

"Well, if I can, I'm no stranger in fighting different territories since we're mostly repair bots, fixing space bridges and fighting slime monsters and mini-bots, but one thing about that is there's no evading mistakes however they won't last if you learn from them" said Bumblebee.

"Never thought to hear this kind of talk from an annoying bot like you" commented Prowl being impressed and surprised along with everybody else but never admitted it.

"I try, appreciate it Prowl" Bee smirking feeling happy and pride that Prowl complemented him as he rarely does.

"Do you ever get tired or restless from bloodthirsty aliens, Benji?; I mean you're fun to hang with, one of the amazing people I've ever met so far but even we get tired for relaxation" said Sari.

"I'd be lying if I said Nothing can break Ben Tennyson but even I got limits, before this, I was always getting picked on and dealing with bad days but I was always determined to help people" revealed Ben.

"My old master once said to me "Always look within yourself for Inner Peace in blocking out distractions no matter what". (Inside Bumblebee was Gwen reading one group of Papers and she said to herself "If only I could find the right room to look for Inner Peace away from the Dweeb and his girlfriend". (Only for her vehicle to start saying some casual assuming stuff: "You what I just heard, a lotta blah-blah this a-blah-blah-blah that").

Making Himself, Ben and Sari snicker loudly while the two responsible ones groaned and deadpanned; although the boy was highly considering the idea of Inner Peace. "Inner Peace, huh, gotta ask Prowl later without Sar around."

Next, Prowl got an incoming call from his leader and conversing a little saying stuff like "I understand, I'll let him know we'll be on our way". Thus hanging up like that and telling everyone "Ok, Prime wants us all of us back at quarters, the boy's Grandfather's request and the Professor's to bring Sari back to School.

This obviously made the two Jokers sulk as School was the least favorite activity of their young, "sugary" lives.

"Hate Training, least it's worse compared to Regular School and less Bullies"

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