Lowest Point

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Isaiah 47:10 - " Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will be uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

Mix of county and townsfolk people were gathering for retro summer throwback drive-in, with this week projecting the first Karate Kid on the rectangle cardboard screen. Cars, trucks and motorcycles including one silent black and yellow cycle holding supposedly two passengers. His organic shaded officer is on the front calling shots while Nathan Prescott reluctantly sat behind his temporary Autobot partner after 'seat sparring' which Prowl depended on his skills instead of his ego. Now Nathan is pretty salty and hardly staying awake and taking food breaks as a nasty result especially in scenes like Daniel waxing off Mr.Miyagi's property so he could eventually practice mastering his future martial art capabilities which deeply impressed Prowl. This movie was like a blast to the past for him when he used to serve his master Yoketron and sweeping floors and wiping walls in order to keep a organized cyber mind and a consistent metabolism.

"How long is it gonna take for Big Ed to send everybody back home, wanna get back to spending my drag racing parlays." complained Nathan which concerned and pet-peeved Prowl - "You gamble for amusement?; "these days since McCloud's detonation, been traveling around the globe for any excitement, fought off bloodthirsty crustaceans, fought off a black wild Sasquatch Grodd dude, and even zapped some Wendigos interrupting my med break in Canada. And yet no productive excitement with my pitiful self since my squad's disbandment, they used to ten of us you know?, miss being close to Brit and Sammy, now she's on the executive seat and Sammy's settling off well in Schuykill Haven"

"The lady and the guy who forced you, Ms. Connor and General Davis to infiltrate our base without any questions being asked?" Prowl recollected which Nathan roughly nodded and you can't really put much blame on the easy-triggered speedster.

"I see, try to take it from a silent and monotonous bot here that complete loneliness can bring anyone down to their knees with no hesitation. Maybe your Michigan Avengers, innocent citizens and even consider catching up with Brittney and Sammy would help bring your bright spirit out of that tough, stubborn, stiff hardcore rock body of yours. A chance to fully appreciate life and its wonders bringing you deserved experiences and desires."

Nathan scoffed at this half harsh and respectfully: "Like that will even happened, be surprised if Brit forces me to fix my heated nails after running track a lot." Prowl groaned, feeling unsurprised that he's not changing and renewing his mind, least not yet. Felt the need to wash away his insecurities with more 'road trip' teachings and wisely save the Bonzai Tree and the Cybertronian versions as last resorts.

Can we leave now, I'd bail if I wanted to but orders are orders and hate to challenge your slow, tutorial emergency cycle heading back to our hover plane." Hearing this boastful mouth, Prowl played along to shut this young blood up: "Field Boulevard, 6:07pm, try not to be late, if I win, meditate with me in my green room back home and no re-negotiations for there will hell to pay."

"I'll bite cause I know you're gonna be my chick-magnet cycle all throughout Tokyo three straight days, long as no more work during that span won't be cutting out for us, most specifically the white frigid speedster."

"Bet, but I wouldn't count on making promises you can't keep, kid, would back out of this opportunistic wager of mines before it's too late."; "Thanks but no thanks, old man"; "Have it your way, don't say you weren't warned." (Mind you all this came and went as Prowl conversed in his police camouflage form but regardless his deep competitive side was exposed while barely grinning.

In a potato farm similar to Matilda's where the chaotic yet loyal folks's only chance of seeing more people up close was Sharon's Breakfast Choices and Specials, a bearded face-hidden figure was coming straight from the barn fortifying fences and digging up fresh rooted fruits and vegetables like watermelons, carrots and wheat. Soon as he came inside, he was greeted by his pink-loving toddling daughter who wanted to spend quality reading time with him continuing pages of"To Kill a Mockingbird". "Daddy, Daddy, I missed you even though you were plowing breakfast, lunch and dinner" Soon as face was shown to the spotlight, he was blonde mullet Matt Letscher of his household, but not the leader cause his stern father was still yelling and walking around. "I know sweetie pie but he will time as soon as he's done with dessert and taking the yeast bowl out for more thickness and seasonings,.in time to prep for your tomato sandwich , deal?"; Here's the invisible pen to sign our very papers, don't turn back on your praammise daddy, I won't be the only one who's gotta deal with you for tardiness".

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