Machine City: Part 2 (Blood's Usually Thicker Than Water)

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 *Bible: Matthew 18:19-20 -"I say to you that if two agree on Earth concerning anything you ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For when two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them".

      Behind Aunt Matilda's home, there's a Fence that has a sign saying "Do not Trespass" and some long trails between, underneath we see a "Well"-designed alien spaceship with small red glowing balls has its door open. We also witness some red bubbling flowing humanoids in hazmat suits transporting rubbles of rock in each minecart heading back to the ship. The scene changes to a factory where we see a manufacturing line scanning rocks and then dumping some of them into the heating pool; the rocks are conformed into lava then all of a sudden this pile of lava are divided into magma jars. These jars are immediately transferred to an aqua-colored illuminating room where they're immediately changed to the familiar blend of water before being sent to a storage room where claws puts the jars to place them in boxes. Behind the connecting horizontal windows were three Red aliens, one of em saying "How long will it take for our systems to return online again?"

The figure standing next to the speaker in a Genius-looking appearance, "Well sir considering our Crash being negatively consequential even for our automated guide - I'd say we're two Deca-Phoebs away approximately from reaching our breaking point."

The third figure huffs and puffs responding, "I'd do anything even with eating some other creatures fresh just to lighten my mood any time now, BECAUSE I'M TIRED OF STAYING ON THIS PRIMATIVE WORLD FOR TOO MUCH LONGER!"

The Commanding voice says, "Now now Phobos, bickering about this general problem will only increase more concerns for our people at least that's residing on this ship."

Phobos: "But King David I'm not the only "Climax" here that's pet-peeved by this, yes as you would bring to part of our Bright Side that our Intergalactical Coms aren't completely radio silence as long as we reach twenty "wideons" for the Council (meaning minutes in "Climax" culture) as our limit due to our downed ship; however last we heard from home, conditions haven't been getting any better since a Positive example hasn't been registering in their eyes, man can't wait to get my hands on those cousins of ours when I..."

David: "That's enough, Lieutanant, like I've said bickering about it won't get us far to the promise land, what we need to focus on is fortifying our defences and health with these "Sedimentary rocks"; we will get nothing if we don't keep growing and sticking together as a family."

The scientist agreed by replying: "That's a good point, my Liege, if it weren't for those trio of humans, GOD knows how far we would have went, probably wouldn't be speaking on this very day."

Phobos had nothing to else to utter but muttered angrily to himself leading the Climax leader to proceed elsewhere, "Now this is settled for the time being, I will get back to overseeing other affairs around this craft let me know about those cows out there so we spent some time with them. 

The scientist replied: "As you wish, my king" before David left the Rock Control room.

Back at Belle Isle Park, the two families finally meet each other, well the kids technically.

Ben starts out with: "Hey, my name is Ben, the king of awesome and coolness."; Sari then responded with a smirking face: "Alright cool guy, Sarah's my real name, but you can either call me that or Sari, not "Sorry". (While talking, these two took a handshake but not before Sari weirdly placing her left hand on Ben's arm for a good couple minutes smiling at one another.)

Max then cleared his throat "Ahem", giggling quietly alongside Gwen. (Making Both Ben and Sari let go then blushing humorously).

Max: "Anyways, we've came to gain a quick day tour and pick out some watermelons for my aunt, I'm sure you remember her Issac."

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