Ch 3: The True Test

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Chapter 3: The True Test

Nick woke up as his alarm went off at 5:30AM he looked around to find his alarm and switched it off and stretch as he got up from the couch

He went and got into the shower which felt amazing as he was tired and wanted to fully wake up and after the shower he got dressed in his uniform and made himself some toast

After he enjoyed his toast he walked out the door and locked it behind him and he walked down the stairs and headed out into the street

Nick wanting to save a bit of money decided to walk to the U.G building and plus he wanted to see what's new in town as he never looked at the town from the ground always from the air

Nick walked for awhile as it was a bit crowded, but he did notice a group of dogs circling around something which caught Nick's attention and walked over to see what they're doing

"Yeah you like that cunt!" A dog shouted as they went to kick something

"Yeah there's more where that came from" another dog said as the swung down

Nick noticed that there's a human getting attacked by the group and he didn't want to stand by and he went to the group

"Hey! You leave them alone!" Nick shouted as he walked closer

"Ah shit it's the U.G! Run lads!" One dog said as they scattered and run down the sidewalks

Nick walked closer to the man on the ground and offered his hand to pick him up

"Hey you alright?" Nick asked the man as he stood up

"Thanks mate I probably wouldn't be fine if you didn't came along" the man with a gash across his forehead thanked Nick for the help

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Nick asked

"Nah I'm fine thanks for defending me I'll be on my way, thank you for your service" the man solutes and walked off

Nick felt good after helping the man from the group, but he didn't know what would happen if they return so he didn't stick around to long and walked away and sees the U.G building in site

Nick made it to the building and walked inside were he sees dogs walking about and humans walking around as well

"Ah Nick welcome back" The human behind the desk said

"Oh hey yeah I'm back" Nick said as he walked towards the elevator

"Oh Nick" the human said as he click the button

"Yeah" Nick responded

"Sam wants to meet you on floor 24" The human said which confused Nick, but he followed the instructions and got inside the elevator and headed up to floor 24

"What would he want from me? Is it my coma? I hope not I really want to continue" Nick thought as the elevator climbed it's way to the top

The elevator reached it's destination and Nick stepped out and looked at the doors in front of him which made him feel uneasy, but he swole his fear and opened the doors and looked around the room

Nick could see a desk in front of a window looking over the town and he looks to his right to see plans for the future of the organization and he looks to his left to see technology that is unfamiliar to him and then he can see Sam sitting behind the desk

"Come have a seat" Sam said as he gestures to the chair in front of the desk which Nick sat in it

"So Nick what happened yesterday?" Sam asked

"Oh yeah apparently I had a small coma? I didn't know what happened" Nick said

"Hmm interesting, I never had a recruit go into a small coma are you sure it wasn't anything else like a medical condition or something like that?" Sam asked

"Nope" Nick said

"Alright... Get down to floor 12 for simulation training" Sam said

"Okay" Nick said as he stood up and started to walk out

"Oh yeah Nick" Sam said

"Yeah Sam" Nick responded

"Keep an eye on Bluey for me" Sam said

"What you're not doing the training?" Nick said

"Nah I can't I gotta do paperwork for my brother he's doing his research for something I don't really know" Sam said

"Alright I'll keep an eye on her" Nick said as he gave a thumbs up

"Thanks" Sam responded as he went back to his work

Nick got into the elevator and and press floor 12 and thought about something

"Why would Sam want me to keep an eye on Bluey? Is he that worried?" Nick thought as he made it to floor 12 and headed to the simulation room

"Ahh he finally made it" A man in a yellow trim suit spoke as he walked into the room

Nick looked around and saw Bluey and decided to sit next to her as he wanted to keep his promise to Sam

"Alright recruits I'm Smith your trainer today Sam right now is busy and asked me to do the training" Smith said which is a familiar name to Nick

Nick was paying attention to Smith until he heard a noise to his left

"Hey Nick" Bluey whispered to him

"Yeah?" Nick whispered back

"What took you so long to get here?" She asked

"Oh I had a problem to sort out on the way here nothing to worry about" Nick replied

"Ohh... Okay then" Bluey said

"Bluey... Why are you whispering to Nick" Smith asked

"Oh... Um nothing Mr. Smith" she said with a smile

"Right... Any way you guys are going to be assigned in groups of two because it's best to have a partner to help you when you need them" Smith said as the board shows the pods they are going to use

Nick hopes that he's partnered with Bluey so it'll be easier to keep track of her and then Smith said the groups

"Alright Tash and Bob you two are together um Doug and Tesha you two are together and Bluey and Nick you two are together" Smith said

"Yes" Nick said under his breath as the group stood up and headed to the pods

"Alright once you guys get into the pods your P.Is will activate and it'll show you the way to go and give you info about the terrain that you'll be traversing and I'll be over observing your performance and you'll be graded on how well you do just remember it's a simulation not the real deal now step into your pods" Smith said as the pods open up and everyone stepped inside

Nick sees a screen telling him to close his eyes and he did what it said and a white flash occurred

[End of Chapter 3]

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